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Experience at my favorite store today.

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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

This just happened to me and I thought I would share it waiting for a storm to pass so I'm not a wet mess.

I have been going to this little lingerie boutique for close to 6 months now and the woman who runs it it lovely has helped me get bars that fit me wonderfully and some sexy stuff items too.


Today I went out because I found some panties from when I started out that sill fit but had no matching bras for them.  I head in and she is helping some people already.  We exchange pleasantries when she see's me and I tell her to finish up who she's with.  She thanks me and goes back to them (they were in the changing room so had not seen me yet).  I start looking around the racks (for reference I have been wearing skirt, heeled sandals, and graphic tees for over a month now doing a mixed gender thing) to see if I could find anything in the colors I was looking for (white and purple).  While I'm browsing an old lady (60) come in to get her order no coment from her other then a smile and wave.

The owner finishes with with the people in the changing room and go help the old lady who was at the front while I was in the back looking at the teddies and night gowns right next to the changing rooms. Take a guess where this I going.😤

These women come out and are complaining about the prices and and some other thing that make me worried of how the owner was treated before I walked in.  I could tell the owner wanted these two gone, so she asks the old lady to have a seat and she take the women from the dressing room.  One pays with card and the other wipes out two  Benjamin's to pay for her stuff.  I was like "your complaining about price with that much probably for in your Purse!"  The owners send them on there way and helps the old lady from earlier then come to help me.  While looking at the styles in the colors I was looking for with her the business phone rings she say it was probable her 5 o'clock calling and let's it go the the machine.  Lo and behold it was one of the two women from before complaining about me creeping about.

I mean come on I'm in a skirt wedge heels a purse with my hair passed my sholder and the owner has signs at the front saying all are welcome.  You should expect to see some one from the LGBTQ+ community when business advertise that.  The owner told me to ignore it and let's find what I'm looking for.  We found two white ones (1 for my forms and 1 for when I'm flat) and no purple but got a sexy night that was on sale.

Was paying and chating at the counter  catching up since last we say when this woman returns with her biker husband ( beard down the chest boots and sleeveless shirt and jacket you get the picture) to check on the owner since she didn't anwser.  The owner gave me my change, bag and told me she would hand them, and I got back to car booked it down to my mall to wait a bit and for this downpour to end.

Sorry for the length I just needed to get this off my chest.  I have been getting so many complaints on the skirt and heels i have been wearing this past month to then have this shoobie come in with her husband because she saw someone dressing  androgynous in a LGBTQ+ store just makes me upset a bit.

But this won't stop me from dressing the way I have been I bought to many skirts to just let them sit I matching them with what graphic tees I have and maybe some of the tops I have if my nerves will let me.

Thanks for reading love you all!!

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

I was worried on my first shopping trip dressed about that happing to me. I can't wait for another shopping trip. I'm sure at some point I will have to deal with it. You keep being you and don't let anyone or anything stop you.

Posts: 27
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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Shoobie is what we call people who are not locals here on the east coast.

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Eminent Member     Linwood, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Small update talked to the owner on the phone after posting.  She made sure the woman and her husband knew that her store is an all inclusive store and sent reminders to all the stores social medias reminder her customers of that.  I so do love this woman. 🙂

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Prominent Member     Cincinnati, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

In most cases, it's best not to say anything back to people like that. It sounds like the owner handled it. It's also wonderful to hear the owner values you as a customer and defended you for the person you are.

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Noble Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 6 years ago

Great story and good for you. There is nothing wrong with you trying to spend your hard earned money luv Stephanie


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