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My wife went to see a woman in the nearby, small town this afternoon to get her eyebrows tinted, as they are quite thin. I asked my wife if the woman did men too, so she asked her while she was there; she does. My wife told her all about me and the woman was completely unfazed and asked her if I wanted to be a woman full-time, she replied, correctly, in the negative. The eyebrow woman told my wife she had nice eyelashes which would benefit from some curling treatment so she booked in for next Tuesday to have that done and at the same time, booked me in to have my eyebrows waxed and tinted. I'm quite looking forward to that.
The only (slight) downside is that my wife doesn't want me to go 'dressed', which is a bit of a shame. She says she doesn't want to completely freak out the technician, but I think it's more likely she's concerned I might be seen by people she knows in the town. Ah well, never look a gift horse in the mouth, I'll take the drab eyebrow waxing.
I have had my nails polished and trimmed in the past (but not gelled as I don't like the methods they have to use to get it off) and that was quite a pleasant experience.
That sounds like a wonderful experience, even in drab. I have thought about doing something more with my eyebrows since I think they are pretty bushy and I would like to get them done in a more feminine way.
I wonder how the eyelash curling works? My partner had that done but then she couldn't really do mascara. I wouldn't mine getting done either but I still want the mascara on when I'm out as Natalie.
I hope you share your experience with the eyebrow waxing and tinting. And I would be curious on how noticeable it is when in drab as to whether people can really tell. Not that it should be a big deal, but I am always curious.
My brows always get out of control. My hair person always trims them back to "reasonable". But-Kendra has a number of social engagements in the coming week and easier just going full time for all that, so decided to invest in a brow session at Sephora. Aiming for the "gray area" between guy and girl...
Becca -
Getting your brows done sounds exciting, enjoy the experience.
When I go for a haircut (which is every couple months) I have my eyebrows trimmed. The first time I was asked of I wanted it done I hadn't started dressing yet (still in denial), had it done and liked the look. I hvae tried plucking my eyebrows a few times, mostly the longer strands, and they've looked okay. I primarily concentrate on the middle part between the brows -don't want a unibrow. I wouldn't mind if they were a bit thinner though. One more thing to add to the list of things to discuss with my wife.
I have moderately bushy brows and a mils unibrow. I have had them trimmed by my barber for years and it is just a usual part of a hair cut. A couple of years ago I added briw waxing to my usual leg waxing appointment to narrow and shape them. My brows grow prettt fast, so I often trim them a bit between appointments.
It is not unusual at all for men to have their brows rrimmed or threaded. One barber I went to briefly even does threading.
Many years ago, one of my girlfriends told me the best way to deal with to tweeze a few hairs from your brows each week over a period of time. Always tweeze from the bottom side. Once gone don’t let the tweezed hairs come back. Over time the change in your appearance won’t be noticeable yet you will have shaped your brows. For a very long time I had my brows to the point that I received compliments on them when en femme, and never had anyone question them when in drab.
The past 3 or 4 years I have been getting my eyebrows threaded and trimmed. The threading isn't too bad at all at least to me nowhere as painful as the one time I had them waxed. It costs about $20 here in Aus.
While my wife is supportive she has said there are some things she doesn't want to know about so I get a haircut usually every 4 weeks and am finding every second haircut I need the brows done again so get them done after the haircut so if I'm asked I can just say the barber gave them a trim. I have only once had a comment and that was that he had done a good job cleaning them up.
One little bit of advice I found. If you are going to get your eyebrows threaded femme don't wear false eye lashes as you have to stretch your eyelid and forehead when they do it and I have pulled one half off. The other alternative is have some eyelash glue in your handbag so you can glue them back on if you mess them up.
I do totally agree with you Becca on the gelled nail polish. I had my wife's best friend have her nails weakened and crack and break after having gel sanded off her nails.
Hope your brows come up a treat.
Hello ladies, eyebrows tattooing is very popular especially among Asian people, mostly females do it but males as well. Word of advice, this will be permanent, so do your homework as you don’t want to be stuck with ugly color or shape.
if you have bushy eyebrows, I strongly recommend threading, I have been doing for years with very happy results. Best to you all.
Bangs. (closes case neatly)
Do have a lovely day. 🙂
I am lucky, my wife is the one who trims my eyebrows, I pluck sides, and bottom. If I froget she will say time for a trim.
Well I have had my eyebrows done.
Took about half an hour and the technician (her name is Tiegen) tinted them and then I had to wait ten minutes for the tint to take, during which time, my wife had a jolly good laugh at my expense as I looked like I'd had two brown slugs crawl over my eyes. After the ten minutes, the tint was cleaned off and my eyebrows became eyebrows once again. She then proceeded to wax them and give them some shape that wasn't totally feminine (I still have to do male things) but was neat enough to pass as women's eyebrows when I dress.
After it was all done, my wife and I had a chat with Tiegen about eyebrows, cross-dressing (I wasn't en femme this time) and societal attitudes to the practice and I showed her a picture of me dressed, to which she said that it didn't look like me (as I stood there in drab), so that was nice.
I was gently admonished for previously shaving my eyebrows using a beard trimmer with a comb on, presumably because it messes up the ends of the hairs.
Anyway, it cost me £12 for the half hour appointment which, these days, is nothing, so I'll be going back there again when it needs doing next time.
I can recommend having your eyebrows done. It is quick and saves on one lot of faffing about and when doing one's makeup, it's one less job to do.
I plucked for years but now I just trim them to the shape I want with an electric brow trimmer.
...and now I have to have them done again! My wife gave me one of those bloody silly facemasks that are full of moisture (and god knows what other stuff) and are supposed to reinvigorate the skin. Well, that's as may be, but one thing for sure is that they do a very good job of removing the eyebrow tinting you've just had put in at the beauticians! So until I can get back there to have them re-tinted, it's back to the eyebrow shader.