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Facial Recognition

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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For those of us who attempt to fly under the radar, are we fooling the security cameras at Walmart or Target?

They may not think I’m Trudi!

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
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@trudi  a few of my friends had issues that I always have a google home assistant running in my house as its always listening.  I said this to them. no one cares what were doing here as long as your not committing terrorist acts who cares we are very small fish.  even Facial recognition AI with the billions of data they have unless there is some specific reason they want to run an algorithm to match up  someone in femme with searching the WWW for a match it will never happen. that is of course unless you have broken the law and they are looking for you or you plan to run for Office then well you may have something to worry about.  😉 Cheers RC

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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While I am not worried about Walmart or Target, facial recognition, and AI should be very worrying to CDs who what to remain hidden. Sooner or later (or it may already happen), somebody can search the internet for your face, and any pictures posted here or other such places could pop up even if your male face was used in the search.

Since I enjoy going out in public not concerned about it. While I don't necessarily want to.outed in public, I also don't really care. I am not ashamed of dressing en femme, so if it happens it happens. For those who would be harmed by such a revelation be wary of what you post. 

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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@jjandme I’m actually a one picture girl and that’s my profile picture. There is not a single girl picture of me on my phone or in the trash.

i feel like my profile picture adds to my legitimacy on CDH.

Who knows what my scrapbook might look like at Walmart?

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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It's all quite unnerving really. I am quite sure that there are many companies and organisations that have so much on us already, collected as we go about our day. Then there are hackers and subterfuge that can use it in devious and criminal ways. 

That said I take care and facial recognition I don't care. I had a speeding ticket which has a camera image. I declared it was me that was driving and contested the ticket as the camera was calibrated for cars going the other way so I won without going to court. So some sort of facial recognition and had it gone to court I would attended as seen in the image. 

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I suppose I knew I was taking a risk when I started posting photos here but what’s my alternative? Hide until I die. I guess I will have to live with the risk and deal with the consequences if it happens.

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have yet to post any photographs because I still have a very light beard (which is coming off tomorrow) although I do have some pictures that I could post. I want to look as good as I can before I reveal myself to the CD world and with my wife's help on Monday, I should be up for it next week. Monday we are going to have a makeup day and see what we can achieve and since the beard will have gone by then we can do more. If my wife had any reservations about cross-dressing, there was only one that was a sticking point and that was me wanting to shave the beard off as she thought I looked too much like my [now deceased, some 20 years ago] mother. I did it once during the COVID pandemic and I agreed with her, I did rather look like my mother and I didn't like it either, as much as I loved my Mum, I didn't want to see her looking back at me in the mirror. In the last few days however, I have been trimming the beard shorter and shorter so we both got used to it and changing my appearance by wearing eye shadow, a wig and glasses and I think my wife has finally come round and the beard can go. I was getting sick of it anyway, I've had it for 40 years and now I'm approaching 70, it's time for a change. 


Should I get recognised after posting pictures on here, I think I'd quite like the idea, everything would be out there then and I would no longer have to worry about it. I recently had a prostate cancer scare (all ok though as far as is possible to know) and I no longer really care anymore as life is far too short to bother too much about what other people think. Personally I'd go all out but my wife still has to deal with people around here and I wouldn't want to make life awkward for her. I think when I can pass for a reasonable-looking older woman (although still obviously a cross-dresser as I'm too broad-shouldered for people not to know I'm male) we'll start by going shopping in a city away from here.

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Estimable Member     Noord-Holland, Netherlands
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The way I think about it, we shouldn't allow facial recognition. Not only as a crossdresser but in general. In Europe they prefer to base the entire system in the near future on how China does it. Walk through a red light once and your face will appear on a large screen for a while. 😐 


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Prominent Member     Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
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Speaking of facial recognition, I have facial recognition on my iphone as an alternative to typing my code in. I know I've done a good job on my makeup when my phone doesn't recognize me! 

Laugh Cry

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Duchess Annual
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Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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@leainvancouver Nice tip. Laugh Loud

(@Anonymous 93975)
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I’m impressed!

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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Posted by: @leainvancouver

Speaking of facial recognition, I have facial recognition on my iphone as an alternative to typing my code in. I know I've done a good job on my makeup when my phone doesn't recognize me! 

Laugh Cry


I have to try that.


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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I certainly am not an expert, nor know much about AI, but my understanding is facial recognition is all about structure and make up has no effect. Wigs or possibly heavy makeup that actually hides structure might trick a phone. 


Though it may be a bit different, I have played with gave app, and it still recognizes me as male regardless of makeup and hair.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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you could fool me.

 J J
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Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Then you, but probably not in the real world.

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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
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I found a site that does facial recognition on a photo.  I submitted both a male and female photo.  Interesting enough it did not find any matches for my male photos but did find all my photos here on CDH.  I am happy to say that none of my searches crossed my gender display.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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it only likes the pretty pictures.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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Interesting site...and results. I submitted a recent drab photo and got back some, but not all of my photos here. Even though you need to be a member here to see photos (right?), they easily pop up with this search. It also found two drab photos for 15 or so years ago.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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It’s getting scary out there.


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Reputable Member     South Central, Indiana, United States of America
Posts: 220

@jjandme I believe all photos are public except when sent in private messages.

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 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
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I played with the Pimeyes site a little and the results as a bit unnerving. The first run I just pulled a recent drag photo and got three pictures of.myslef en femme, all from this site, one of which was deleted a while ago. I then ran a couple of en femme photos and got the same results plus more en femme shots, again, all from here and some which had been deleted. You have to pay to do deeper searches and to on where the photos come from. 

All the results were of me, but when I did a few photos of my wife two pictures of her came up and several photos of similar-looking women one of which had her top pulled up and a warning the photo may be explicit.

I do not know where most of these results come from, but they are at least originating here on CDH. How much information is ultimately attached to these photos and how easily they can be traced back to me I don't know. 

While I prefer most people don't know I dress en femme, I don't care if people find out so this is not a major issue for me, or I would not have posted my pictures in the first place, but this can certainly be an issue for others.

In the worst case, somebody could screenshot your picture from here, post it on this site, and then find other photos that match and trace them back, say through a labeled picture on Facebook, and they could then use those pictures for nefarious purposes.

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(@Anonymous 93975)
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I’ve been outed to my people who matter the most 5 or so years ago. So at this point I am just being careful.

I appreciate your insights.


Posts: 1461
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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I'm pleased to say that Pimeyes only finds some old am-dram photos from my new passport mugshot, and my one public photo as Fiona gets no matches at all - phew!


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