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ok girls! its the weekend and I think its time for something light hearted and humorous. facts! what are your likes and dislikes when you are femme or likes and dislikes passed over from being male to female? also your personality traits as in femme mode. here are some of mine....
1. dont like eating carrots as femme but will eat them as a man.
2. when I am ill in bed with a cold or something, I dress femme (it brings me comfort).
3. I never wear slippers as a man but do as femme.
4. I cant drink alcohol as femme (underage) but do as a man.
5. fiona can have a temper! (hormones). not really but teen girls can be awkward at the best of times!
6. fiona hates having her hair pulled!
7. fiona dislikes fruit and veggies, as a man I cant get enough of them!
so girls, there are a few weird facts about fiona! what is yours? looking forward to your replies on this one! it should be funny! 🙂
love and kisses
fiona xxx
Hi Fiona! This is something I never gave any thought to...good one.
1. Hate mens clothing except Cowboy shirts with pearl buttons.
2. Not keen on nylon stockings but like gater belts.
3. Absolutely hate shaving face all the time.....ok with with shaving rest of body....which really, almost no hair grows....lucky me. Act of stretching legs out and razor shaving....I like!
4. Find man-men so boring and un-fun.
5. Love cowgirl boots and hats......hate flowery plumpy Queen Elizabeth and family girls hats!
6. Love plain blouses, skirts, Mid-evil dresses and 1 fancy Ball Gown and sweaters, and leggings.
7. Love fancy bras and panties.
8. Hate boxers and socks.
9. Absolutely adore my Pick-Up trucks.
10. Love wolves, malamutes and siberian huskies...........hate cats!
That is about all for now...........
Come on girls............spill the beans...........let's here from you all!
Dame Veronica
Other than the obvious clothing and mannerisms when enfemme an not, I can’t think of other differences.
Sorry, I’m no fun. 😊
1. I eat cookies in drab but not in femme.
2. I fuss about my nails in femme and drab.
3. ......
I often feel bad because I feel like I am not living in femme mode enough. This little activity has helped my realize how my drab and femme modes coexist more often . 😀 thank you 😘
Rachel would like to be everything I'm not; strong, independent, confident, outspoken, vulnerable yet not afraid of the hurt that vulnerability might bring. But I don't have the confidence to really be Rachel. (except possibly here!). It's a paradox. :-/
i thought about this lately too, with the holiday season coming up, cold and snow outside warm and cuddly inside and unhealthy food everywhere.
Alexandra likes the winter, as a man not so much, she doesn't do the snow shoveling.
She takes better care of my body, eats fruits, vegetables and healthy snacks, drinks tea and water, as a man it's meat, gas station donuts, coffee and beer.
Alexandra likes to take care of her skin, hair and teeth, uses lotion and brushes her teeth all the time, the man part says no need for it, split skin from the cold is okay, so is engine oil.
She likes to sleep in on the weekend, as a man it's early up and getting things done. I made a compromise on this one, she get's the rainy days.
She likes to browse and look at everything in the store, if I go all in drab, it's in and out the store in no time, going underdressed is a hybrid situation.
over the years things started to blend together and the man in me thinks she isn't so wrong with what she likes after all it helps us both.
Fiona, what a fun question.
1) I couldn't think of anything until Miranda finished dressing.
2) The boy goes for boring blue, the lady just loves RED nails, lips, belts shoes, bags and jewelry.
3) The boy wants everything as basic as possible not even a watch, she wants to bring out the bling especially big earrings.
4) I'm still in scarecrow mode with makeup but she has the patience to wipe off and redraw that eyebrow for the 4th time, when the boy gets frustrated the f-bombs and dammits fly.
5) I love moisturizing and rubbing lotions and creams, the boy doesn't even like soap.
6) The boy never would have added anything
I am fascinated by how different my two sides are, but have come to love how Miranda gets to 'color outside the lines'.