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false nails

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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Hi Everyone,

I've been playing with false nails. I'm not sure I like the tidgy double sided tape that some come with. But I run out of nail glue which some products come with.

Any recommendations for just buying nail glue as a stand alone? Any everyday products that can do the job? Let's not mention superglue!


eM X

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@emmat Well ladies I’ve found that the press on nails I get from Temu are amazing and very inexpensive . Yes they come with the little sticky pads and yes some are better than others. I’ve been using these for a while now and have it down to a science. I’ve purchased a pack of waterproof sticky pads and they work great. If you do as the instructions mentioned then they stick on and stay stuck. If you don’t get them water for 30 minutes, or you can use a blow dryer on low heat and help set them. I’ve worn them out in both female and male mode and have received many compliments on them asking if they are my real nails.  I normally go with the French tops but have also gotten coloured ones.  Hope this helps a bit ladies.

Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@cdashley thanks Ashley,

I'm not sure if its the same sticky pads that I use !  I can imagine not. from what you say, I've got a temu account so i'll check it out

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
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@emmat I was sceptical at first but they do work and look great.  My wife liked them so much she borrowed a set one  night to go out with the girls , which I applied for her and she got a ton of compliments on them.

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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@cdashley I've tried Temu nails too, their cheep and amazingly pretty and good.


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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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I'm with you Emma. I really want to try false nails but it all seems a bit daunting. Come on you more experienced ladies, what advice can you give us? xx. 

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@chrisfp99 here goes. I grow my own out.  Over the years I tried them all. Krazy glue was about the only thing that kept them on for more than a day but they would split any way so I’d try something else. Growing my own was the easiest. Now I can’t grow extremely long because they just break anyway but I get a lot of comments to the idea I might want to cut my nails, alway from women with short nails. I just ignore them.

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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Kiss makes a good false nail glue that you can buy at the drug store, I've had good luck with it and if you don't put to much on you can take them off very easily and reuse them.



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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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@rholtman96 thanks Lacy and Jennifer too), I'll have to research if they have a UK distributor. Sounds good though!

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I’ve had really great luck with kiss impress nails.  They stick so well, if you follow the directions, that you can wear them for multiple days.  I’ve not had them come off easily, so they can be used only once.  But, it beats putting glue on your nails and then soaking in acetone to get them off, talk about destroying the nails!

it does seem though with press on nails, the longer they are the easier they are to have them pop off accident.  But then where’s the fun in putting on short nails?

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Duchess Annual
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Prominent Member     I don't do cities ;-), Powys, United Kingdom
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Posted by: @jennconn

But then where’s the fun in putting on short nails?


You've read my mind !


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(@Anonymous 96509)
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Ooh this conversation has caught my eye!

I’m intrigued by the sound of these nails with the sticky pads???

I’ve been buying some lovely French nails from Amazon, which do look lovely when applied, it’s just the glue stays on for ages after I’ve taken them off….seeing as I can’t leave them on for more than a day at a time it can be a bit of a pain trying to clean up afterwards. 
All this pushes me towards only wearing them for full En Femme days, which is a shame don’t you think?

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@joannaberry Like Micki Finn said, you can get sticky pads separately on Amazon too, the ones I bought come in packs of several sheets with two of each size pad on each sheet.  Being big enough for your nail isn't quite as important with these as it is for the nails themselves.  

Seeing waterproof sticky pads being mentioned makes me want to try those.  The ones I have come off the backs of my false nails nicely, and are OK with a splash from the tap during a visit to the Ladies, but they start to feel insecure after washing my face once my make-up is off for the night.  A shower the next morning definitely sees them on their way!

(@Anonymous 96509)
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@finallyfiona  - Thanks for the tip Fiona, I will take a look at Amazon later.
Can’t believe I’ve never even heard of them before, I’ll order some & give them a try when I’ve been paid 💕

(@Anonymous 96509)
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Hi everyone💅
A quick nail update from me, I’ve just collected my Nude Kiss Acrylic nails and super adhesive pads from my local Amazon locker.

Although I’m not able to be dressed today I couldn’t resist trying them out….., well I say them I really mean one😆

All seems good, I cannot wait to wear the full set, hopefully sometime soon.

Thankyou to everyone who’s contributed to the thread, I’ve only been here a few days and I learnt soooo much💕💕

All I’ve got to do now is get the nail off my little pinkie😆💅

joanna xxx

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I wear Static Nails since they fit my fingers the best.  They also come in some cute colors.   I don't like the damage glue does to my own nails so I stick (excuse the pun..) with nail tabs.   I bought some on Amazon and they work pretty well.  As a tip,,,,the tabs adhere better when your nails are free of oils.  I wipe mine with alcohol before applying the tabs.   

I absolutely love having long, painted nails.  I feel so much more fem when wearing them!

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Nice nails are such an important accessory for looking and feeling feminine. I have used many brands including kiss with both tabs and glue and never had a major problem. Most compliments I get from other women are over these nails and always asked if they are real.

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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the issue I have is finding a nail kit that fits my large nails.  Most kits seem to be geared towards the smaller female hand.

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Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Fairfax , Virginia, United States of America
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@leah63 Same problem for me, Leah. My most recent disappointment is with nails "for wider nail beds."  Those don't quite cover my thumbnails or index fingers. A bit of natural nails showing on sides of "for wider nail beds" fakes.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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As I've mentioned elsewhere I have yet to try nails, but oh I'm really keen. So feminine. I'm lucky that despite being 6'00" and 190 lbs I have dainty little hands. Bit of a challenge playing keys in various local bands though. Also I wear a size 7 (UK) shoe so no problem sourcing a nice pair of heels. Please no extrapolating other body measurements 😂. 

Hugs, Chrissie xx. 

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Hey Fiona, what are you doing up at this time of day? Get yourself some beauty sleep hun xx. 

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@chrisfp99 Ermmm, Liking your post it would seem!  That was the last click of the night, honest 🙂  You seem to be another night owl Chrissie?

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Yes I'm terrible Fiona. My wife and I live in different time zones 😂 xx.

Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Fairfax , Virginia, United States of America
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@chrisfp99 Dainty little hands and a shoe size easy to buy for. Ugh. Oh, I meant to say "how fortunate,Chrissie!"  My size 15 (USA) women's. 6'2", 225 lbs. Blend in? 🤔😅

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Thank you Connie 😂. We have to play the hand we're dealt xx.

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Famed Member     London , Kent, United Kingdom
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Oh Connie, I should add that you look lovely in your pics. Love the dresses hun xx. 

Baroness Annual
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Reputable Member     Fairfax , Virginia, United States of America
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@chrisfp99 how kind of you to say so, Chrissie. You made my Friday morning .

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I've been looking at nails. Sorry if it's a silly question, but are they reusable?

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Posts: 1458

@annaredhead If you can manage to get any glue residue off and not lose any of them, I don't see why not.  Failed with the glue on my first set, my second is missing one - fortunately not a thumb - but I also managed to keep the sizes I hadn't used too, so I can probably make do.  I've since rediscovered how to do nail-paint nicely, it lasts a week if only I can keep it from chipping off!

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
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@finallyfiona Thanks! I'm not bad with nail polish, but need to take it off after a day or so. I'm not yet ready to risk being seen out with painted finger nails where I live and work. Have done it upcountry where nobody knows me. I was wondering about false nails as it opens up designs that I can't easily or quickly paint.

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Baroness Annual
Famed Member     New York, United States of America
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Kiss Impress press-on nails will stick for days.


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