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A big part of me as a crossdresser is fantasies. I’m curious if other girls fantasize while dressed. I have found it enhances my experience. I envision being complimented and called a beautiful woman. Curious to hear from other ladies.
Hi Amber. I crossdress in a world of fantasy. It helps me cheer up. But I do not lose contact with reality and I know that I will go out to face a cruel world. I think that fantasy is partt of this life that has chosen us. Mainly because for the time being I crossdress in private.
When I was a child, I found myself one day seeing myself in the position of a superheroine in a comic book that I was reading. It felt so vivid. At that moment and since then I began to identify with female characters of tales, short stories and novels and even TV series and movies. I still do it.
Cinnamon kisses,
Thanks Gisela. I can totally relate.
hi amber, like yourself, I dream of being complimented as a very attractive girl. I think its more low self esteem and confidence in my case, plus years of people at school, as a boy, them telling me I was 'ugly'. things like that stick in your mind all your adult life. I try really hard to maintain a good look, I train at the gym to improve my body, buy very pretty clothes, nice long wigs etc. to be honest even if someone did complement me, I would wonder if they are saying that just to make me feel better. of course not everyone is like that, its just my stupid mind.
fiona xxx
Hi Amber, for the longest time, I had the same fantasy. I don’t want any trace of s male look in me at all. I’m a woman and I wish to be treated as such.
When I recently went down to the big city dressed, that fantasy came true. I swear, I almost cried. A handsome guy about my age rushed ahead of me to open the door and gave me a smile. That left me on cloud nine. While I was seeing my therapist I asked if I passed. She said not only do I pass but I am naturally stunning. She couldn’t believe how feminine my features are and how I really am a “beautiful girl.” Cue the water works I literally almost cried right there lol
Hello Amber, Yes I like fantasies when dressing up. I like to think i am still a schoolgirl, & have no worries . That's why I like to dress in my school uniforms, & imagine still being at school. Putting my school uniform on & making out I am going to school, then coming home again & getting changed out of uniform & into a pretty dress is so great.
love, Helenmarie
I haven't even gotten dressed or put make-up on my face yet, but since I've started down this road, the vivid fantasies have been ruling my mind the last few weeks.
HI amber
i have always fantasized when I get dolled up ! the whole process of putting on makeup and getting I just right, picking out my lingerie, and putting on my clothes and looking just right, I think about getting ready for a date or a party. Or putting on some sexiest lingerie and heels and showing off for someone, I feel so feminine and sexy and I am in a total feminine and female state of mind .
Hello ladies:)
Yes I love To see myself as a women. Fiona made a good point about low self esteem and confidence. As a woman there are several options open for me to change my look. No mater what I did in my younger years I could do enough to change my outward appearance so when I am in femme I fantasize about starting all over again as a female. Hope that doesn’t sound weird. 🙃
Amber to some extent we all have a fantasy, I believe. There is nothing like watching a woman glow with confidence. We are no different. We still strive to show our allure through confience as well have emulating our version of the women we choose to be. Not to mention that there isn't a woman alove that does want to hear that she is beautiful.
I think its more low self esteem and confidence in my case, plus years of people at school, as a boy, them telling me I was ‘ugly’. things like that stick in your mind all your adult life.
I know exactly how this feels Fiona. All through Jr and Sr high, I was the awkward ‘guy’. The ugly one. The piece that never fit. Maybe it was because I never knew how to be a guy. While my brothers ran around with girls and played sports, I watched fashion week and went shopping with my girlfriends at the mall. It’s stucj though my whole life until now. I’ve decided I needed to work out my past and be able to accept me for me. Kids are cruel. We do t have to let the cruel kids of our past define our present
I always fantasize about being a woman, especially in a sexual way.
What a sweet topic Amber. After years of being in the closet my fantancy is meeting a nice woman who is into my female side, someone who would like to be with me and encouraged my dressing, help me with my makeup and be there for me. I hope this doesn't sound to self centered.
Hi Helenmarie. I have a school uniform like ooutfit and fantasize a boy having a crush on me and having trouble asking me out on a date. Of course I say yes with a smileand we have a wonderful time.
Hi all,
I suppose that as I adore period gowns and own a Civil War and a "Marie Antoinette" ballgown, complete with appropriate wigs and accessories, that my fantasy would be to be taken back in time be taken to a ball by a handsome young man, conveyed in his horse and carriage and be attended as I alight by his footmen.
Then have a lovely night at the ball dancing the night away with my "Beau" then fall into his arms at the end of the night for some passionate... well you can guess the rest.
Two problems. The male me cant dance to save himself, much less do it in heels backwards
Secondly, Didn't poor old "MA" end up losing her head???
Not much good fantasy in that lot.