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Fashion question, AI answer

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 2 years ago

By now, we all know that the Internet has the answer to all of our questions. Now, it is literally true! 

Recently, I went through my new closet and want to sort out my drab blue jeans. I looked to their zippers for easy clarity. Men's zippers were accessed from the right side and women's were accessed from... the right side, too. Uh, oh! That didn't work. Why? Buttons aren't like this, so where is my search bar?

Starting some time this month, Google has been returning replies with prioritized AI generated answers at the top. This is something that we should all be aware of because the quality of the returned info should still be viewed with a healthy dose of skepticism for the next few years, until they are able to improve accuracy. I tested using an AI generator, this year, and it isn't quite there yet, but I am sure that it is getting better every day.

Also, how we create our search query is important, so we need to teach ourselves how to do this better, to get higher quality AI returns.

My query about women's zippers on blue jeans return this snippet from a longer text:

  • Unisex blue jeans
    The blue jeans trend of the 1970s was unisex, and people were less concerned about a man's "fly" on a woman's pants.

At least it sounds accurate. 

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Noble Member     Brussels, Brabant, Belgium
Joined: 2 years ago

Harriette, interesting points about AI…but my simple way of separating up my jeans….the girlie sort are skirts, the drab ones, trousers.  🙂

Hugs Christine

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 4006

@christineth That's one way to do it. 😉 

I do have a few denim miniskirts, one is just about long enough to stay decent, the others are waiting for their first public reveals. Normal jeans in public are more practical. 


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