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My absolute favorite is Rocky Horror Picture Show!!!
I think that, "Normal", "The Crying Game", "Transamerica", "The Danish Girl", "Just Like a Woman" and, perhaps, "Breakfast on Pluto" are some that treat the relevant issues with some degree of verisimilitude and authenticity. Others, such as "Tootsie" tend to place too much emphasis on the comedic and simply try to cash in on the cause-of-the-day or, like, "Psycho", or "Silence of the Lambs", tend to over-emphasize the pathological. They deal with an actor trying to get a job or yet another person who has strange notions regarding gender not really with the issue as they apply to most persons.
I have to admit that, when I first heard of, "Transamerica". I thought, "Here's another case of an actor pretending to be something she is not and failing to adequately represent the role and character." But, she was very convincing, sympathetic and really demonstrated the angst of transitioning.
That was brilliant! Just watched it. And, I did a "bad" thing - I downloaded a copy. Many films like this eventually get yanked from YouTube.
That arm & arm walk! I can only dream of such things. If only...
Thanks, Cherry!
xo Barb
Watched a lot of those already mentioned, and would also like to add "The New Girlfriend" a 2014 French film to the list.
Priscilla Queen of the desert, or is it dessert, Guy Pierce was great in that film,
Hugs 🤗 Roz X
I had never heard of He is my Girl, but that sounds wonderful. Just watched the trailer, would love to see that.
The Crying Game is my favorite. A 90s classic, honestly don't understand how it doesn't make everyone's list.
Solder's Girl (2003) is also good. The story is good and true. Maybe not the best made, best acted movie....
yes, The Crying Game is a classic (and my favorite)