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Hello everyone!
I did most of my snow shoveling and then came in for a break. I am happy that i spent most of my break time reading and sharing on CDH.
As I was getting ready to go back out, I put in my earbuds so I can listen to music while I finish my snow removal. But first I decided needed to add to response I had made on a post.
Long story short. Over 20 minutes goes by and I haven't started the music yet. It's like I got this sudden feeling my ears were stuffy and my hearing was impaired....
While it didn't take long to figure out what was going on, my first thought was "I'm such a ditz!"
I am curious to hear about everyone else's ditzy moments...
So dish!!
When I pull my sunglasses down from atop my head to try to read small print... indoors...
when i'm looking for my phone and its in my hand. or i set my phone down and can't find it, so i think all i have to do is have my friend call me. then i remember i don;t have my phone.
Putting odd shoes on, similar style with different heel heights and wondering why I am walking with a limp....
Putting a skirt on inside out, posting a photo of it on CDH and only realising at the end of the day.
texted a picture of my legs to a friend by accident, then i told him i had a leg fetish.
Forgetting to take you panties off and bend over and they show to others ouch 🤕
Wow! Quite a few great responses. So great in fact I had to reread my topic post to remember why I felt dizzy in the first place!
My favorite so far has to be Emma_T with the friend's phone.
Thank you all for sharing. It made me feel better about myslef and gave me a few good chuckles.
"Losing my keys" in the front seat electric seat track of my car and taking a week to find them. Using my spare set to start it and wondering why my keyless start was working when the spare set was a loooonngg way away
Leaving the rest room when your friend rushes up and pulls the hem of the skirt from the back of the panties.....