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Hey everyone,
I hope this is the right place to share what's on my mind. I've been grappling with some feelings lately, and I really need a space to vent and seek advice.
I love crossdressing, but I often feel like I can't fully embrace it alone. Well, I'm not sure why, but I sense a need for support and encouragement to explore this aspect of myself further. I've always imagined having someone who could push me to new heights, someone who understands me. However, whenever I've tried to seek out such connections, I've encountered scammers and dead ends.
I'm curious if any of you have experienced similar feelings and how you've navigated them. Any advice or insights would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you all for listening
Ysabelle, you have reached the website where we offer friendship and support..in your CD journey.. I noticed you registered here a few weeks ago and I welcome you. At this site we have forums and articles for more information. I have been here for 8 years and have met many lovely ladies who have encouraged and supported me.. welcome
warmest regards, Leonara
Bonjour, Ysabelle! Bienvenue a CDH!
This is indeed a wonderful place for support, but I understand that it takes time to get to know people. I've been crossdressing off and on for several years, but only really embraced it as a part of myself last year. I am happy to lend what advice and support that I can, so please feel free to reach out.
I am a Francophile, so I'd love to know more about where you live. I traveled to France in 2001, and it is one of my favorite places.
A bientôt!
Loneliness is often a sad part of being a crossdresser Ysabelle. Back in the day there was nothing like this available so you found your own way. I was lucky to find acceptance among family and friends which was such a blessing. When this new age of communicating came along it was a revelation and, like you dipped my painted toenail into some web forums and most were not what I wanted. I did come across this site and watched from afar then saw that actually this was a vast community who were on my wavelength so took the plunge and signed up, I have never looked back.
I have seen some wonderful success stories and so many have been inspired to address many of their issues and take dressing to a new level. There are those like you who feel alone but have found so much support, advice and made wonderful friends. It is a connection that comforts and makes you feel very much part of a community that can be accessed any time and know you will get a response.
You will never be alone again.
Welcome Ysabelle.
Hi Ysabelle,
In the days before internet but we had mail order which is basically the same thing as the internet but took a little longer. A catologue used to arrive and a form was filled and we waited. It was difficult when I lived with my parents but managed. Buying from store was more of a challenge and was under the usual guise of being for a girlfriend. Everything else to do with applying makeup, fashion styles and other tips was done by watching my sisters or mum or anything that appeared in the newspapers or magazines womens columns.
Now there are many tutorials on the internet on everything and anything about fashion and makeup that are such a help. These days too there is a more liberal attitude and going to shops in male mode and buying womens things is easier. Obviously that is dependent on where you live and attitudes. Bigger cities are a lot better.
I suppose the biggest thing is confidence in approaching things positively. I was also alone but when I felt I needed to progress coming out was at the top of the list. This I did by looking at who I knew, what was their attitude towards life and how you would see them being a confidante. It took a while but eventually told my mother which turned the tide for me. Some years later I chose a female work colleague as she was judged to be the right person and that went well too, yes I am lucky but I did my homework before telling them. I understand your need to find someone to support you, that doesn't mean finding a partner but an ally.
You are about the age that I started to realise my dreams, it is never easy but with patience and work is achievable.
Remain positive and take your time.
Interesting to know how things works on the past. Sometimes, I forgot how things were in my childhood (before the internet got popular).
When, I arrived, I was searching for allies, and now I got them. 🙂
Probably, I wasn't too clear at my initial post, because sometimes it is hard to find the right words to express, but after reading all posts, some things got clearer. I still need to find my style, the things I like, the things I don't. You were very supportive until now, and I thank everyone for that.