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I have to tell you that things seem to be coming together. I looked in the mirror wearing a sports bra, T-shirt, pink shorts and partial makeup (eye shadow, mascara, brow pencil and blush). Also had on my first pair of dangling earrings since I got the ears pierced. It was the first time I ever felt that I looked half decent. I felt that I was beginning to look like a woman. I've had my brows partially shaped and my back and arms waxed (getting chest and stomach done next week). I can't explain it and I don't know why but I just felt like it was much better than previous times. Not passable yet. Believe me I never thought I would even think about passing in public let alone go out fully en femme. Related to mood? Maybe. Just know that I felt really good about how it all looked. Not the greatest but better. Anyone else care to describe their time like that.
Racheal......... congratulations. Feeling begin happy yourself.......make to go... girl!
Dame Veronica
Ooh! I understand completely!
Each time a new dress arrives, or I have an outing somewhere new, I feel better and better than before.
Long may it continue - dressing really is the gift that keeps giving!
Love Laura
Well done Rachel, each time you do it you will improve without a doubt. I found that as time went on I the feminine side of me began to emerge, I think the same will happen to you. As you continue along your journey Rachel will blossom and you will find the real you! Good luck!!
I had a similar experience! I didn't feel like I had done anything extraordinary (no makeover) but for some reason I looked in the mirror and saw the girl for the first time! Wow. Actually, my profile picture is like that for me; it's not glam or perfect or sexy, it just looks like my girl self. There are plenty of times that I judge myself too harshly, but it's getting better all the time.
<p style="text-align: left;">Well to be totally honest with you girls I am a ex football player and wrestler and I have lost 130 pounds in the last 15 months so I am getting smaller for once in my life instead of building muscle lol when I show the girls at torrid and Catherine's my makeover pictures they all say I look nice and have femmine features I think they are just being nice to me but when I am dressed up as a woman and feel like a real woman I do see how much of mother's features I have thank you so much girl's for reading</p>