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Started with a sinus infection/cold just over 3 weeks ago that went bacterial so Dr prescribed antibiotics for 5 days, that seemed to hit it a bit and the nasty effects seemed to have diminished but I’m left with a tickly throat cough and internal nostril scabs from the total runny nose for 3 weeks, feels like it’s full of prickly sticky ball bearings just now. I do hope the nose gets better soon as it’s so bad to sleep and the thought of applying foundation, well. How do RG’s cope during illness times?
So I’ve not had any feminine feelings or desires since this started. However I managed a full body shave in the shower the other day and that felt so good to get the hair off again. But the thought of fully transforming into Elaine is really quite distant.
I have today just caught up with comments and and some forum activity here. Apologies if you have been waiting for replies from me, but lots of love for reaching out.
Hope to be back and healthy again soon and being able to embrace Elaine again.
Lots of love
Hope you have a speedy recovery so you can get the femme feeling back asap.
If one is ill, a lot of things get put to one side but when you feel better, you will embrace Elaine once more.
Hugs for a speedy recovery Elaine.
Just hate those kind of bugs. Even if you did feel like dressing a snotty face isn't attractive. Get well soon
.Elaine -
Sorry to hear you're feeling under the weather. Wishing you a speedy recovery. You'll be back to your old self before you know it, in the mean time hang out here it should help to boost your spirits.
Thank you Ladies for all the kind words. Feeling a bit more "human" today, still got a nose like an elephants trunk but feels a little better. Still take more concealer than in the tube just now, I probably need to give it another week yet.
See youall soon, hugs
Glad to hear you are on the mend. I am dealing with a similar situation at present and it is depressing.
Oh such a familiar feeling! If I'm not fully balanced physically, I too often feel non-feminine at all. In fact: last week I was having a bad day due to a frozen shoulder while I put on my new bra. Had so much pain because of the straps that I hated my beloved bra for it. Was almost in tears for not being able to get into Frédérique Mode
Wishing you a speedy recovery Elaine.