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I wish I could articulate the excitement inside of me when its getting close to River time. although my wife knows, and is supportive ,, there is something different about that time when you are completely alone , have no reservations , and are free to do, be, and experience anything that you feel. no wondering , no worries , no fear and no regret. its amazing, and when its only a few days away well..., I cant contain the excitement. . It can only be explained as Magic.!! If there was a drug that made me feel the same I would be addicted. but to be able to share this feeling with someone where they would immediately understand would be a game changer. I sincerely wish that you all are in a good place and have opportunities to explore and understand yourself without any judgment weighing you down , and have the opportunity to be whoever you truly are. Sorry so sappy Im in that kind of mood. Cheers RC
Enjoy your time, River! 🙂
River -
Happy for you - enjoy your time
We all know that wonderful euphoric feeling River, enjoy every moment.
I agree - once again it's the countdown to preparing. Even though I tell my SO that I am going to dress sometimes ( and stay out of the way) it's so much easier when you are alone and have no time restraints. Besides it's like having your soul cleansed.
Bottle that feeling and you will make a fortune x
For me it is less about the anticipation and all about being dressed. I know the feeling of just letting loose and being expressive. I do the same...when I am dressed I can dance in front of a mirror, something I never do drab. I just get to let out a part of me that is kept hidden for the most part. It is why I find dressing so addictive, it is like a shot of oxytocin.
Thank you for posting this thread River 🙂 It's been making me think more than most threads recently, but I've been struggling to find the right reply.
I'm not sure I'd want to lose my regular Fiona time, but with relatively little restriction in that regard can come something of a loss of the 'sense of wonder', I think. Let this thread be a gentle reminder to us, never to get too used to a freedom of feminine expression, nor take it for granted, and that this is a case where less can be more 🙂
For all those who are waiting as they read it, I hope you really enjoy not just your time but also the anticipation in the lead up. Hugs to all 🤗
Fiona xxx
Yea sis at times it is the most thrilling and exciting time when out and about and other times while at home its so peaceful and relaxing. Nothing like it and maybe that's why it is so addicting.
As Carly Simon sang “Anticipation”. Like others the mental planing interrupts any other thoughts. My therapist is trying to figure out why these thoughts release the dopamine that makes Lorraine so euphoric. She says she can see a physical change in my face when I talk about it.