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Female Characters In Video Games

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Trusted Member     Davis County, Utah, United States of America
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Does anyone else when they play video games uses a female character when you can?

I recently started playing a Harry Potter game and I got to create a character for it. So I created a girl. I had a good time Turing different hair and some makeup styles and clothes. 

This got me thinking. I’ve always kind of done this over the years. I pick a female when I can or if I can create a character it’s almost always going to be female. 

Am I the only one that does this? Am I just trying to live a virtual fantasy?

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@michelle27 I think I've almost always chosen the female option if it is presented, I'm going to say part of it is the "male gaze" while playing but also an element of projection.

There are occasions when I think the female VA is better than the male as well...thinking Mass Effect series here!

I also find that as I tend to play a chaotic good (or neutral) that being female seems less "mean". Something about being a beefcake who does what he wants feels a bit to "bro" like.

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Trusted Member     San Jose, California, United States of America
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When I first started playing Pokémon go I chose a female avatar.  SO said you can't do that what will people think? So I changed it to male,bummer. One of the things I do in the game is dress my avatar like the Pokémon that's my buddy. Tonight I changed my avatar to all pink to match my buddy. SO says unless you're going public change your outfit. Going public...hmm I might have outed myself via a video game.

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Estimable Member     Bay Area, California, United States of America
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I’ve done the same thing for years when I played games.  Especially found that having a female character was way more fun, especially if you could control the appearance.

if only …

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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I've done the same a few times. As a kid, I played a game called Leisure Suit Larry. The main character was a guy, Larry, a playboy, who interacted with a lot of women in the game. I still vividly remember one scene where I wished my character was the girl and not Larry. Wow, that was decades ago.

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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@lea-jhene Leisure suit Larry?  That was a long time ago. Smile Face

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Prominent Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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i use to play street fighter 2 back in the 80's. i always chose Chun-li a Chinese girl fighter. she had the best moves. i wasn;t even a crossdresser back then. 

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Estimable Member     Minnesota, United States of America
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I almost always play as a female character. I play Elder Scrolls Online and most of my characters are female. I tried to keep it evenly split between male and female but I just like the female characters better so the ratio is skewed towards femail. And in Stardew Valley I have always created a female character. I still remember that in Soul Caliber II my favorite character was Talim because of her looks and move set. I was sad to see she was cut from Soul Caliber III (but she came back in Soul Caliber IV).

In Mario games, I almost always pick Daisy if available. If she isn't, I tend to go with Luigi. I can't think of a game where I explicitly prefer a male character. Maybe Street Fighter II as I really liked Dhalsim's moves. And I guess Mortal Kombat; I still really like Sub-Zero.

Even in Minecraft I have a female character and there isn't much difference between male and female as everything is just blocks anyway 🙂

@michelle27 If you are talking about the new Hogwarts Legacy game, I just bought that last week since it was 75% off and I am positive I am going to play as a female character there as well. I just haven't played it yet.

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Trusted Member     Davis County, Utah, United States of America
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@nataliecd that is the one. I have really enjoyed it

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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I do that too.  I can think of several times where I have chosen a female character.  My daughter confronted me one time, and I just claimed the female version was chosen for me even though I very intentionally chose the female character.  I guess it's a way of expressing my fem self publicly without coming out.

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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
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I've been a gamer all my life.  Until I got into pc gaming, games always featured male heroes. 

A huge turning point in pc games was when they started character customization.  For the first time, you can pick your hero to be either a girl or a guy.  I can't remember which game started that (diablo ??), but since that time I've always picked the girl character.

This is why I prefer saints row over gta, as saints allows you to pick a girl or guy while gta is always a guy.  Games like aliens fireteam, recent call of duty (wow i couldn't believe when COD actually had girl soldiers), dragon age, diablo series, recent far cry series, and some rpgs, allow you to pick either girl or guy.  I always pick the girl. 

And some games I would never have thought would have allowed character customization like bus sim, you can pick a girl or guy driver. 


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