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Does anyone else when they play video games uses a female character when you can?
I recently started playing a Harry Potter game and I got to create a character for it. So I created a girl. I had a good time Turing different hair and some makeup styles and clothes.
This got me thinking. I’ve always kind of done this over the years. I pick a female when I can or if I can create a character it’s almost always going to be female.
Am I the only one that does this? Am I just trying to live a virtual fantasy?
When I first started playing Pokémon go I chose a female avatar. SO said you can't do that what will people think? So I changed it to male,bummer. One of the things I do in the game is dress my avatar like the Pokémon that's my buddy. Tonight I changed my avatar to all pink to match my buddy. SO says unless you're going public change your outfit. Going public...hmm I might have outed myself via a video game.
I’ve done the same thing for years when I played games. Especially found that having a female character was way more fun, especially if you could control the appearance.
if only …
I've done the same a few times. As a kid, I played a game called Leisure Suit Larry. The main character was a guy, Larry, a playboy, who interacted with a lot of women in the game. I still vividly remember one scene where I wished my character was the girl and not Larry. Wow, that was decades ago.
i use to play street fighter 2 back in the 80's. i always chose Chun-li a Chinese girl fighter. she had the best moves. i wasn;t even a crossdresser back then.
I almost always play as a female character. I play Elder Scrolls Online and most of my characters are female. I tried to keep it evenly split between male and female but I just like the female characters better so the ratio is skewed towards femail. And in Stardew Valley I have always created a female character. I still remember that in Soul Caliber II my favorite character was Talim because of her looks and move set. I was sad to see she was cut from Soul Caliber III (but she came back in Soul Caliber IV).
In Mario games, I almost always pick Daisy if available. If she isn't, I tend to go with Luigi. I can't think of a game where I explicitly prefer a male character. Maybe Street Fighter II as I really liked Dhalsim's moves. And I guess Mortal Kombat; I still really like Sub-Zero.
Even in Minecraft I have a female character and there isn't much difference between male and female as everything is just blocks anyway 🙂
@michelle27 If you are talking about the new Hogwarts Legacy game, I just bought that last week since it was 75% off and I am positive I am going to play as a female character there as well. I just haven't played it yet.
I do that too. I can think of several times where I have chosen a female character. My daughter confronted me one time, and I just claimed the female version was chosen for me even though I very intentionally chose the female character. I guess it's a way of expressing my fem self publicly without coming out.
I've been a gamer all my life. Until I got into pc gaming, games always featured male heroes.
A huge turning point in pc games was when they started character customization. For the first time, you can pick your hero to be either a girl or a guy. I can't remember which game started that (diablo ??), but since that time I've always picked the girl character.
This is why I prefer saints row over gta, as saints allows you to pick a girl or guy while gta is always a guy. Games like aliens fireteam, recent call of duty (wow i couldn't believe when COD actually had girl soldiers), dragon age, diablo series, recent far cry series, and some rpgs, allow you to pick either girl or guy. I always pick the girl.
And some games I would never have thought would have allowed character customization like bus sim, you can pick a girl or guy driver.