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wonder how many girls like us use feminine products I use panty liners some times but I always use summers eave feminine spray it is such a nice sent and makes me feel very feminine
I've gone to using feminine deodorant that I love, and lotions too, all over my body.
Love the Femme feeling and aroma's they provide!
Hi Roxanne,
I'll have to check into some creams myself. The lotion I use is an Avon product, "Skin so Soft" lovely and silky!
I also use female deodorants smell very good and are fresher and sometimes perfumes and every night I use woman's face creams 😊
Yo tambien uso desodorantes femeninos huelen muy bien y son mas frescos y aveces perfumes y todas las noches usos cremas de cara de mujer 😊
I've worn sanitary pads in the past. I think I felt the most feminine when I was fully dressed and also wearing a pad during my "period". I know its a bit weird. Helen.
I keep one tampon in my purse. Just in the one unlikely moment in life when I'm in the ladies room and a GG asked me if happen to have a tampon she could use. Boom got it! I'm the man...err woMAN!. So as for everything else...nope I'm good.
i use feminine deodorant as well and all of my bath and shave products are feminine and floral. i just Love smelling girly. 💞
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I too use my female deodorant, but not on the daily; only with Samantha.
i use panty liners too when im out evenings otherwise im so wet i get a wet patch when i sit down other feminine products include
cream which i rub into my bottom which is a big mussel twice a week and the pill to suppress male hormones this helps keep things smaller and in placeSome years ago and from time to time i rub a very small amount of the estradiol cream onto my nipples this is not recomandad but for me within a month they had become much larger and darker while my breasts remained small so excellent female product to help me
I use only Femm products in the bath room, and some times I use pads to smooth out my bits
Sometimes I use a pad when going out. (usually got out in drab) but sometimes have gurlie stuff under. I have a couple perfumes that I use too.
I use female deodorants, just the baby powder scent, I have really bad allergies and can't go near perfumes and heavily scented products. I also use pads to smooth things out and keep the sweat down, after this summer I was thinking of putting on under my wig. Hotter than heck here, not a great summer for wearing wigs.lol
I have a girlfriend that has been using"En Femme's" breast enlargement dream and claims she has developed a B Cup with only that. I know it's not approved by the FDA and it's made from cow udder (hormone).
I use panty liners on a daily basis only because I mostly wear panties. I rarely wear guys underwear anymore.
However when Cynthia makes an appearance, watch out. Shower gels, body sprays and lotions all from Bath and Body Works. I should own stock in the company. I always keep a couple of fresh panty liners and of course a little bottle of my favorite perfume in my purse as well.
Nope. Never used it