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- Do any of you ladies take steps to feminize your voice while en femme? If so, what has worked for you?
Basically open my throat and it comes out naturally. I have a slight southern accent.
I've never tried to hide my voice but then I get mistaken for my wife on the phone quite often.
Hi Gina, I have been out lots of times and to be honest I don't change my voice much, soften it a little, talk properly but other than that nothing. The thing is if you are really good at doing a female voice and can keep it up for hours, then fine, I'm not and I can't. What I have discovered though is being your natural self, being comfortable with who I am and just talking naturally works fine for me. People are always cautious with someone who is obviously hiding something, be it their true voice or something else, it is very difficult to be convincing. For me, just being myself and smiling works the best.........
I've tried, watch some vids on youtube and read articles of feminizing the voice. I remember on article saying try singing to your fave song, and sing it out loud. And record your voice so you know what it sounds like.
I haven't really worked at it much, but I do sing sometimes when listening to music, and I find it helps if the artist is a girl singer vs. a male singer.
I soften my voice and it seems to work okay. I have been told my male voice isn't too gruff so I just keep aware and carry on.
My voice will never be feminine but I try to speak a little softer and slower when I'm out and about.
I haven’t Gina, god knows I’ve tried, but I just sound so strange, I’d scare people more than if I just used my male voice. I’m not sure I’ll ever get the hang of it, and I definitely need to try harder, but I’m not going to, I’m too old to change now.
Hi girls,
Depending on one's point of view, I was either cursed or blessed, with a very soft and relatively high voice for a male. Finding out much later in life, that I am an intersex person, actually a blend of both male and female, my voice might be a result of how I was born. I have been able to speak in a feminine voice since I was in my early teens - was actually teased and bullied because of it.
But, I can tell you that being able to speak as a women when you are living as one, is a very positive game changer! I know that I am talking with many of you girls who are not out enfemme in public enfemme on a daily basis, but I know some of you are. I would encourage you all to take the time to try to develop you girl voices, it makes it much much easier to be viewed as the women you are presenting as when you're out dressed enfemme. Particularly now, as we enter a period of time where anything that appears trans is under massive attack, anyone who is dressed femininely will be under greater scrutiny.
Ms. Lauren M