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Feminine Voice

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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  1. Do any of you ladies take steps to feminize your voice while en femme? If so, what has worked for you? 
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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
Posts: 1742

@gina5 Yes. What works for me is a 3 step approach.

  1. Raise my speaking pitch half an octive (from do to sol)
  2. Open my throat as I talk to get rid of the male "buzz." Similar to what they tell singers, do it from the chest.
  3. The real kicker is to make the voice sound smaller. Many people will talk softer, but you can't get the volume when you talk softer, and you cant talk louder without losing some feminine quality. The trick is to make your voice vibrate in a smaller cavity, in this case your nasal cavity. Push about half to 2/3 of your voice through your nose, it makes your voice sound smaller, yet you can still get volume if you need.

There are more subtle things you can do, such as talking more ligado (smoother transition from one word to another), using your hands, word choice, break into tangents and return, use more words and talk faster, change your pitch to inflict emotion, sometimes raise the pitch at the end of a sentence, etc. These are things to work on, but they're harder to keep up. The three points above will help in casual small talk (quick interactions with others).

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@alison-anderson Do you have some choir or voice training? This is all new to me , and I am working in it on it. Did you use any resources for help?  Thank you so much for your advice.

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Noble Member     Middlesex county, New Jersey, United States of America
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@gina5 We have had some voice specialists come to our meetings on a few occasions where I picked up some of the tricks. Otherwise it's just practice.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@alison-anderson I watched some videos, but they were hard to understand for someone with no singing or voice training.  Every little bit of advice helps.  Thanks for the help.

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
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@gina5 - I actually do it while I'm 'en-guy' - particularly with strangers. It seems I don't mind strangers thinking I'm queer or effeminate. In fact, I'd rather like them to think of me so - such a release. I'm not sure my voice is that feminine sounding but I camp it up a bit. I do have a naturally soft voice and find it quite easy to slip into typically feminine intonation - particularly when expressing admiration for a woman's dress or shoes or hairstyle, for example.

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(@Anonymous 99388)
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Basically open my throat and it comes out naturally. I have a slight southern accent.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
Posts: 118

@alexisgrace Did you have some coaching or work it out on your own? Your advice does help when I try.  Thank you.

(@Anonymous 99388)
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@gina5 No coaching for some reason it just comes out that way. My wife was amazed when she heard  me for the first time. I just bypass my Adams apple. Good luck with it.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@alexisgrace Thank you.  I’ll try it out.

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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I've never tried to hide my voice but then I get mistaken for my wife on the phone quite often.


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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@rholtman96 I love that❤️

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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Sorry, that might have come off as kind of rude. I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just nice you can be yourself without any judgement. Also, I cant imagine what you might hear if someone thought they were talking to your wife…lol.

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Reputable Member     Lincoln city, Oregon, United States of America
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@gina5 The thing is I still feel as if my voice is deeper than it actually is.



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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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Hi Gina, I have been out lots of times and to be honest I don't change my voice much, soften it a little, talk properly but other than that nothing. The thing is if you are really good at doing a female voice and can keep it up for hours, then fine, I'm not and I can't. What I have discovered though is being your natural self, being comfortable with who I am and just talking naturally works fine for me. People are always cautious with someone who is obviously hiding something, be it their true voice or something else, it is very difficult to be convincing. For me, just being myself and smiling works the best.........

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@andreauk So people react well to the make voice when you are out? I’m glad to hear that.  I just need some courage to go out and about, communicating with others. Thank you.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@andreauk I guess it would be really hard to keep it up unless you were using the voice all the time, and your right about people’s instinct. Thank you.

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Noble Member     Alberta, Canada
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I've tried, watch some vids on youtube and read articles of feminizing the voice.  I remember on article saying try singing to your fave song, and sing it out loud.  And record your voice so you know what it sounds like.

I haven't really worked at it much, but I do sing sometimes when listening to music, and I find it helps if the artist is a girl singer vs. a male singer.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@wendyswift I like the song advice, I never thought of that.  Thank you.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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I soften my voice and it seems to work okay. I have been told my male voice isn't too gruff so I just keep aware and carry on.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@ab123 Thank you, Angela

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Baroness Annual
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My voice will never be feminine but I try to speak a little softer and slower when I'm out and about.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@d44 Thank you, Fiona.

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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I haven’t Gina, god knows I’ve tried, but I just sound so strange, I’d scare people more than if I just used my male voice.  I’m not sure I’ll ever get the hang of it, and I definitely need to try harder, but I’m not going to, I’m too old to change now.

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
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@jennconn Yes, it’s much harder to change as we get older. I thought I might try some experimentation, but I feel so silly talking to myself…lol. Thank you.

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
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Hi girls,

Depending on one's point of view, I was either cursed or blessed, with a very soft and relatively high voice for a male. Finding out much later in life, that I am an intersex person, actually a blend of both male and female, my voice might be a result of how I was born. I have been able to speak in a feminine voice since I was in my early teens - was actually teased and bullied because of it.

But, I can tell you that being able to speak as a women when you are living as one, is a very positive game changer!  I know that I am talking with many of you girls who are not out enfemme in public enfemme on a daily basis, but I know some of you are. I would encourage you all to take the time to try to develop you girl voices, it makes it much much easier to be viewed as the women you are presenting as when you're out dressed enfemme.  Particularly now, as we enter a period of time where anything that appears trans is under massive attack, anyone who is dressed femininely will be under greater scrutiny.


Ms. Lauren M

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Reputable Member     Washington, United States of America
Posts: 118

@reallylauren Thank you so much Lauren! I like your perspective.


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