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First CD that had an effect on you?

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Trusted Member     STOKE-ON-TRENT, Staffordshire, United Kingdom
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So I was wondering, whilst our stories on how we found out we liked to dress vary who was the first person you actually saw on TV etc. That made you aware of it in the wider world.


For me it was Eddie Izzard, apart from his comedy I loved his energy and how he just was on stage wearing make up and was cool about it. (The outfit in circles and the intro to the show really blew my mind and was one of my first guy crushes) I had seen drag queens on tv and Lilly Savage, plus there was monty python but that didnt register on me as it was more character/silly based dress up. Eddie did it on a level that spoke to me better. Maybe it is a fact I love his comedy anyway but it was someone who really made me think into this world and understand it.


How about you ladies.

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The first CD I can remember was Dustin Hoffman in the film "Tootsie"; but the first to have a real effect on me was Lisa Rowe, on YouTube. Sadly (for me, at least), she has just retired her blog after 10 years.

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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I was very discomforted by cross dressing when I was really young,  even refusing to see Mrs. Doubtfire. But when I was nine and saw Jerry Springer’s ‘Men Who Work as Women’ I was hypnotised and terrified “is this what I want?” I can’t remember if this was before or just during the time that I was fully dressing almost every morning before school but I was shaken. Still am...

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Estimable Member     Baytown, Texas, United States of America
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I too think Tootsie had an early effect on me as well. The first CD I meet with in 2009, took me out for the first time. Now my friend Cindy is my inspiration, she goes out almost every day after work to dinner, and shopping. She feels that as a man no one paid any attention to him. As Cindy everyone talks to her, looks at her and she is also much happier and outgoing.

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Prominent Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Bettylou, I also am saddened by Lisa Rowe’s departure. I subscribed to her YouTube channel many moons ago, and I just looked and she has dropped from my Subscriptions list! She used to appear rather often in Heidi Phox’s videos. They made a splendid couple. I will surely miss her.

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Reputable Member     California, United States of America
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Honestly, not really anyone in the media, but the ladies here at CDH, and their advice and stories, were the first CDs that ever had any effect on me. Since I was in denial about my feminine feelings/CDing for so long, and when I came here, it was after I'd finally made the decision to try to accept it and not fight/deny it anymore.

Before that, I'd usually only react to CD's in the media with some kind of dismissiveness. Like when I saw Mrs. Doubtfire, I thought, "He's just dressing as a woman for comedic/other reasons... I would never do that..."

So yeah. all of you were the first CD's I ever interacted with and allowed to have an effect on me!

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Honorable Member     CAMBRIDGE, Cambridgeshire, United Kingdom
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This is a very good question Aisleyne, like you I had watched TV and seen the likes of Monty Python, Lilly Savage, Dick Emery, and of course Dany La Rue, but they were never from the real world, so while I liked seeing them I didn't connect with them. For me it wasn't a person but an article in a magazine from many years ago, the fact I still remember it shows the effect it had on me. It was in a UK magazine called TitBits, (a sort of OK magazine of the time) the article was entitled "The She Men", on the front cover was a a photo of an attractive woman, with the headline "THIS IS A MAN!" That really grabbed my attention! Although the article was a bit sensationalist and most of us we  would be horrified by some of the content and comments these days, it certainly made me think and it also introduced me to the word 'transvestite'. These were the days long before the internet when there was very little information out there for girls like us.

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I'm really not sure... The biggest impact I can recall wasn't on TV, it was in a school book!

The book compromised a series of drawn pictures which told a story, and we had to tell the story in German.

The series of images I got featured a group of girls and women, and one boy, having a picnic by the river.

The boy larked about and fell into the river.

Once dried, the only spare clothing available was a pink dress, which the boy was forced to wear, and all the girls laughed.

I felt so many inexplicable emotions about this story - why were the girls laughing? Why did the boy look so fed up and cross? Lucky him! I dearly wished that could happen to me, and still daydream about something like that happening...

It was a revelation to me at the time - I had no idea I felt so strongly and differently to others about cross dressing, but that lesson forced me to confront those feelings, aged just 13.

Love Laura

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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The first man I ever saw dressed as a woman was the UK female impersonator Danny La Rue.I used to watch him on television back in the sixties.I used to watch him on tv as a child with a mixture of fascination,envy and unease.He wss extremely glamerous witu his amazing outfits.With the benefit of hindsight I wouldn't choose him as a role model if he were around today.The essence of his act was that however glamerous he looked he always made the audience aware that he was s guy in drag.He would do this with a wink to the audience and asides in an obviously male voice.I would prefer someone  to maintain the illusion that they actually were a woman.I think I would do that if I was a female impersonator.Other guys dressed as girls that had me enthralled were the transwomen that had sex changes that made the front page of the UK Sunday tabloids.The one that really blew me away was Tula formerly Barrie Cossey who became a James Bond girl.If I was a young person today I would revere some of the amazing CD's on Youtube.One of my favourites on there was a young man who went under the name of Britney Smith.He posted many videos and pics of him in an array of outfits.His taste in clothes were quite retro but I had utmost respect for him not too mention a little envy.Sadly,he has been off the scene for a few years now.I also think that Blair St Claire is amazing.

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Reputable Member     Coventry, Warwickshire, United Kingdom
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Old mother Riley was not the most attractive but certainly the earliest I can remember

(16 September 1885 – 17 May 1954).


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Noble Member     Pampa, Tx, Texas, United States of America
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The first that I can positively say I remember was Flip Wilson/Geraldine, then when we got cable TV, Monty Python, and a couple of other UK comedians.  Yes they were silly and sometimes totally inane, but one thing I did notice, was that they were accepted in those roles and weren't being ripped by the press or parent groups, at least here in the US.  If they were, I never heard about it.

The first CD I ever met in person was when I was 16.  I had been invited to an underground party and went dressed and once introduced to her, we had a pretty good time and made long time friends.  She was an awesome person and showed me the ins and outs of public dressing.  And, she always knew where the good parties were being held.



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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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No CD on TV had any effect on me. I was at a Halloween Party dressed for the first time in public fully fem. I was loving it. The compliments and attention I was getting was totally unexpected. I also met other CD's at that party. we became friends and dressed and partied often.

The person on TV that did inspire me to show off my legs was Daisy Duke.

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Eminent Member     Wilton, Connecticut, United States of America
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I think we all forget our first CDing least for me, and I adored it. It was Bugs Bunny!

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Trusted Member     Lincolnshire, United Kingdom
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I think the CD that had the earliest and biggest effect on me were early 80's pop singers.

Obviously Boy George, but also Divine, Marilyn, Pete Burns, even Annie Lennox dressing as a man. And let's not forget Queen - I want to break free !

I was wearing fem clothing before that time, but I never really noticed any actors or singers, I simply dressed because I had the urge to.

Nikki x

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Alistair SIM in St Trinians Sal with Arfur Daley.

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