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<p style="text-align: left;">Not required but going to attempt first public appearance of Sabrina. I'm so excited! My new heels came in today and my new dress is ready for pick up. I hope it fits well. Ordered it from Torrid. I will be leaving from m home in drab any advice von how to dress or do makeup away from home will be much appreciated. Thanks girls I will let you know how it goes after on Friday.</p>
Wish me luck
<p style="text-align: left;">I love Torrid I suggest getting a hotel room to get dressed in and come back to after your activities have fun sweetheart let me know how it goes kisses Jasmine</p>
That's lovely Sabrina.Please let us know how you got on.
That is wonderful Sabrina you have a good time, lots of luck
Good luck Sabrina, have a great time
Hi Sabrina, I hope you had a wonderful experience.
But a bad day en femme is better than a good day in drab.