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Thank you so much Inga. Yes it’s exciting but terrifying. I think it would get easier eventually. Thank you the reply
Hi Katie,
I did this for the first time just the other day. I got a sports bra, three pack of panties and some lipstick. Then self check out was full so the cashier came over and talked to me. Until one of the registers opened up. It was fun and she was really nice.
Hi Octivia, OMG, I would have been so freaked out, I'm happy for you. It is exciting to go shopping gonna plan my next one soon. Thank you for sharing.
Duely noted, forget about the tags. Will do. Thanks for the advice honey.
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believe it or not still scared for that one time someone will say something rude. So far so good. But know one of those days will come.
Yes I know. Scary but can be exciting. Thank you Donna
starts with a little shopping, then getting your nails done in a salon, then eating at a restaurant and it never stops. it never gets boring. soon you will want to do everything dressed. you will be looking for more excitement. its an addiction and always looking for the next rush, many stories will be made and told. soon you be looking at all the closeted cds and saying get out here and have some fun. i have been going out for 5 years now and i love it and the people i meet. wish i would have started earlier. its so easy now. i have done so many things while dressed that i never though i would do. be confident in yourself and think positive. winners aren't made from negative thoughts.
I wish I was like that perhaps someday I can. Thank you for your reply
You will be Katey. It’s just shopping. Shopping is an ordinary thing to do. Other people don’t give a whit when you’re doing ordinary things. When you are looking over your shoulder, circling the lingerie section five times before zooming in, trying to hide the panties you just selected under an arm load of man stuff, that’s what draws attention. Be ordinary. Pretty. But ordinary.
Awesome that you went shopping! First time shopping is a rush and a sense of accomplishment! So happy you made the first step!
Thank you Rachel, I think you're right it will get easier with each tasking and outing I give myself. I have to push myself out of my comfort zone and get out there.
Thank you Denise its a small step but big one for me.
Hi Daniella, thank you for your reply. Its exciting already planning my next trip.
First time anything is fun and an adrenalin rush. I'm so happy for you!
Thank you so much Bridgette.