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First shopping trip

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Reputable Member     Vegreville, Alberta, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

my first time was in a second hsnd store and was with my wife. Second time same thing but shopped myself and bought the clothes myself. After that i called a Pennington store and spoke to the manager. Asked if they are Crossdresser friendly. Went in and talked with the one sales clerk and even had a bra fitting. Bought a skirt and top. I even tried on many outfits. Now i still get that rush but it is more excitement than nervs or being scared.


If some one confronts me and tries to belittle me I tell them they better be perfect in Gods eyes..... that usually stops them. Or I say blue jeans that your wearing are designed for men...... same with plaid button shirts.....



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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Stevie, I hope some day I will have the same confidence. Thank you for sharing.

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[postquote quote=444807]
Piece of cake Just have to want it and just go for it.

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Estimable Member     Christmas Island, Australia
Joined: 6 years ago

Hi Katey,

It wasn't my first time shopping, but I was in a foreign country and needed a new bra. I wasn't sure of the language or customs, so went to a large store with self check-out.

Found a nice bra in my size, added a pair of matching panties and headed out. Scanned them, bagged them, paid. All fine! Then I strolled out and "BEEP BEEP BEEP"! The bra had an anti-shoplifting tag in it I hadn't seen. Nice lady from the store comes over, takes my receipt and unpacks the bag with a dozen people and the store security watching. She finds the tag on the bra, removes it, re-bags the bra and panties, and says in broken English "So sorry, enjoy your purchases!"

It was actually quite funny afterwards,


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Prominent Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 4 years ago

Hi Simone, OMG I would have been like AAAAHHHH!!! I would have laughed about later but at that moment I probably would have been so embarrassed. Thank you for sharing your story.

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