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First Time I Painted My Nails

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Honorable Member     Cincinnati, Kentucky, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Well, maybe that's not true. I painted my toenails a couple times, and a  few people saw them when I was in en homme. They were not people that I've come out to. The response was not the best:

"Did you paint your nails?" Captain obvious asked when she saw the light blue polish in my flipflops. I said, "Yeah, I thought I'd try something different." Captain obvious (a GG) replied a bit sarcastically, "Well, it's different all right!"

Before my session, my massage therapist commented on the bright red color of my new car. Then after the session, she asked, "What's with the painted nails?" "I thought I'd try something different."  She exclaimed, "Well maybe you should paint them the same color as your car!"

A GG noticed them (she's someone who wants to date the male mode of me, and it's not reciprocal), and said, "That's silly. That's weird."  I got the message.

But today I decided to point my fingernails because I wanted them painted for our Crossport support meeting tomorrow night. I thoguht it would be "safe" because I had no plans on going anywhere between now and then, so I could enjoy them for  a couple days. What fun! They're a light blue, with a hint of periwinkle, and though they're the same color as my toenails, they seem much brighter right in my face!

I did it while I was inspired and didn't think about them in the context of my next activity. I then dressed in my usual girl green and blue exercise short shorts, a blue t-shirt, blue running shoes in preparation for my daily walk/run down the road in the neighborhood. (I haven't told any of the neighbors yet, though some might be guessing. I've been dressing in women's athletic wear all summer.)

As I stepped out the front door, the nails seem to begin flashing in neon, so bright and obvious, and I didn't know how to hide them. And people who drive by when I'm on my walk are accustomed to me waving at everyone. How could I wave without them seeing the neon blue nails?

I tried to hold my hands in a way that the nails would not be so visible while walking, and then I turned sideways when a car came (no sidewalk and very narrow country roads) to wait for it to pass, with my waving hand open and palm out as they went by.

I survived without any alarms going off, and no one screaming, "There's a freak out there!"

There was a part of me that was frightened for anyone to see, worried what they would think, what they would say to each other, would they stop waving at me?

And there was the other part that wanted to say, "F- them, I can do whatever I like, this is who I am! And maybe they'll respect and accept me, I shouldn't pre-judge them this way."

Just like the two wolves, which part will I feed?

I think I'm hooked on painted nails, so it's time to feed the other part.

How did you deal with it? I'd love to hear about it

Hugs, Lorie

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Hi Lorie

I haven't had to deal with this situation yet, so can't really comment on how I might react or what I would do if was caught, but if you enjoy painting your nails feed 'the other part' and carry on doing it!


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Eminent Member     San Diego, California, United States of America
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Hi Lorie!!

Thank you so much for sharing.  I, too, have had concerns about what other people think.  I do paint my toes but haven't ventured to my nails yet.  I fully intend to do so.  Whenever I have those thoughts, I'm reminded of what my gender specialist has told me:  "Whatever someone thinks about you is none of your business". It's good advice.

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Estimable Member     Virginia, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Well, the first time I painted my nails, or had them done, I just went with clear. The manicurist didn't think anything of it - some men get clear nail polish. Nobody really noticed - or at least said anything.

Since then I have found a number of subtle, feminine colors that don't always draw attention unless you are looking closely at my hands. Pale pinks and golds and silvers. I've had a stray comment or two, but usually pass it off as "just had a manicure and thought it would be a little different."

But mostly people don't notice since I pick subtle colors.

My toes on the other hand - or foot - I love bright, bright red and wear it relatively often, especially if I am on vacation. And nobody has ever said anything about them for some reason.


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