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Follow or Play Sports?

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Honorable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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I pllayed sports when I was younger - Basketball, Volley ball, Slow Pitch Softball till age 50. I am 66 and still play tennis. I also follow pro sports. I am big baseball, football and basketball fan. Red Sox, Patriots and Celtics are my area teams and have done well over the years. I follow all 3 closely. I even listen to sports talk radio. I have met a few girls here who are into sports like me, but am of opinion sports are not a big interest on this site. Started this forum to find out if I am right or wrong.

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Estimable Member     Alabama, United States of America
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I played platform tennis and a lot of basketball until recently. Played my last hoops game 7 years ago when I was 68... hit a step back 3 to win the game..... yazzuh... knees complained a lot so I just walk these days

I had always been a great sports fan, participating and watching.... but my interest has waned.
I have my college faves.... but don't watch more than that, Watched a bit of the super bowl... but got bored. I'm more into fashion and makeup these days.



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Estimable Member     Essex, United Kingdom
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I’ve never been a massive sports fan, even in male mode.

It’s annoyed the hell out of lots of my friends as all they want to talk about is football and players and I’m totally lost in the conversation.

I did closely follow F1 many years ago, but much of joy went for me when Ayrton Senna passed.  Nigel Mansell left to go to a (failed) Indycar career and things changed and I never gelled with it again.

I enjoy watching snooker these days.  I know you probably don’t class it as a sport hehe but it’s about as close as I get.  I also enjoyed playing it back when things like that were allowed 🙂

Not a sport, but I enjoy distance walking and I’m excited to get my 13.1 mile (half marathon) time under 3hrs 30m 🙂


Love Rachel

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Hello Alice

I am a spectator of sports.

Baseball, hockey and curling are at the top of the list.

Really enjoy college basketball...March Madness!!!


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Honorable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
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A question - why is curling considered a winter sport? Something I have always s wondered. There is no ice or snow involved

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Noble Member     Christchurch, Canterbury, New Zealand
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Hi Alice...

Being from a more refined part of the world, Cricket and Rugby are huge sports here. I played high level cricket until 50+ and was an avid watcher of the game until recently. Where else can you lie on a grass verge with beer in hand, in the sun and watch an enthralling game for six hours?
Was a competitive cyclist until a severe accident put paid to that, a ski instructor for 26 years, a NZ champion fencer and played ice hockey until two years ago.
Yep, one could say I play/played! I was even out cycling ‘en femme’ a couple of days ago (check out my pic)
My sister played cricket for province and is part owner of a training facility. My wife was a top cyclist until a car versus bike accident put paid to that. My best female friend was a top level skier and another is a multi-sporter...

Howzat! Polly xxx

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Hi Alice

Curling is played on ice.




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Estimable Member     Minnesota, United States of America
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I’ve been a long suffering Minnesota sports fan for years. When I was in high school I played everything that was available except track. Baseball, basketball, and football. I also followed pro sports quite religiously along with basketball and football on the college level to lesser extent.  I was actually recruited to play college football at a smaller school as a side note.

These days the nba is unwatchable in my opinion, garbage product. I follow it but don’t go out of my way to watch, baseball was probably my least favorite sport when I played. I follow it, but I don’t go out of my way to watch as much either.  The nfl is about the only thing I watch religiously anymore. College just is so lopsided from the good teams and everyone else it’s hard to get into it anymore, football especially. My son decided he wanted to play hockey so I’ve started trying to learn as much as I can about that game as well.

interesting side note I saw the other day that a nfl executive came out as a cross dresser.  Jack Brennan I think is his name. A article was written about him on the athletic which i didn’t read because it’s a pay site, but just wanted to throw that out there.

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Honorable Member     Nashville, Tennessee, United States of America
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I've really only ever followed hockey and baseball - mostly Devils and Mets, but I am ready to embrace more when my family finally gets to Canada, especially hockey and curling. Always hated American football and that's only gotten worse. I'm the kind of guy who's built to be a lineman which made both high school and wanting to be a part-time girl very difficult.

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Estimable Member     Alabama, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Wow... Distance walking...Rachel I'm impressed with your 1/2 marathon time. My idea of a good walk is 5 miles.... you may be spurring me on to greater heights...  well done

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Estimable Member     Essex, United Kingdom
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The last time I did the 13.1 mile course was early November last year before the UK went into lockdown v2.  Since then, we've either been in lockdown or the weather has been rubbish.  My time then was 3hrs 32m 16s.  I know I can find those 2 minutes, but honestly the biggest delays are pedestrian crossings and waiting for the lights to change in my favour.  I timed it once and over a 3 hour walk, I spent 12 minutes standing at traffic lights!  Maybe I need more patience hehe

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Prominent Member     Lakeshore, Michigan, United States of America
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So, I grew up in the Chicago area in the 50's and early 60's and never realized how good in sports we all had it back then -

1959 - White Sox AL Pennant Winners
1961 - Black Hawks Stanley Cup Champs
1962 - Loyola Ramblers NCAA Div 1 Basketball Champs
1963 - Chicago Bears NFL Champs
1964 - Univ of Illinois Rose Bowl Champs

Young and naïve, assuming that there would always be a Chicago team winning something every year.
I was a South sider (more or less) so I followed the Sox, but when out of town visitors came and wanted to see a game, there was no choice- Wrigley Field on a summer afternoon, upper deck 3rdbaseline seats. The view was magnificent - of the game, the real grass, the ivy covered wall, the LAKE, people on rooftops, the Chicago skyline to the south.

So, I played the major sports as a kid (but not football), because that's what we all did...and were fully expected to do, also did a little YMCA wrestling (I was terrible). Church league basketball in high school (bench warmer), 3on3 basketball and bowling league (most improved trophy!!!) in the military, corporate softball teams after that along with men's 30+ pickup basketball, now golf in summer, alpine skiing in winter.

I watch some pro sports but I'm much more of a fan of college level sports, both sexes, football, basketball, volleyball, softball .

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I love tennis and watch the big tournaments religiously! I love the qualifiers for Wimbledon because that's when all the stunning looking young Eastern-European girls are prominent, although they seldom break through on their first couple of tries (Some never re-appear..sadly!) I only visited there once but adored it and had the best time! I enjoy watching certain golfers too, (although not really on the scene anymore but still adore Paige Spirinac!) I watch the odd football natch, especially the World Cup and follow Holland and Argentina (Because of the late, GOAT Diego Maradonna!) I don't really play any sports nowadays, I do swim and cycle though.

Thanks! 🙂

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Noble Member     Stoney Creek , Ontario, Canada
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Mostly a spectator now.  I have played baseball and like to think I still could, but that's all ( go Jay's go ).  I did play football as a child ( real football, a.k.a. Soccer ) but asthma and running up and down a field don't mix.  I do watch hockey, but since I live in southern Ontario and I am a fan of a Quebec team I do not talk about that much!!😲

P.S. : the Superbowl sucked.😝


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Honorable Member     Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago



I follow how you got into Cricket and Rugby. Those are English sports and you are from across the pond.

I did distance cycling when I was younger.I did a. 80 mile round trip to visit my sister on siderows and backroads - off the highways. I also did an American Youth Hostel trip to Pennsylvania Dutch Country. I had 1 bad moment. I took a curve incorrectly in hilly wooded area and wound up in a pile of twigs and leaves. So I get the accident part of cycling you mentioned in your comment.

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