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So at work today I am coming out of the bathroom, As I'm walking past I stop and get a drink from the water fountain. As I stand up this older lady that works for me walks up and says " your panties are showing." I was quite shocked and said "Excuse me" She said "When you we bending over your panties were showing and your tag is hanging out now" I really didn't know what to say, so I thanked her and went back to my office.
I was sitting in my office tripping out not sure what she would do. Would she tell the sales floor, would she start a joke about it. I was so nervous I was ready to leave for the day.
At the end of the day she knocked on my door and asked if she could speak to me. I told her I was busy and she insisted it will only take a min. So I had her come in and close the door so we could talk. She started off by saying "What I saw today is our little secret. I'm not going to tell anyone. I would hate to lose my job and it really isn't a big deal." I was curious on why she said that so I asked "Big deal what do you mean it's not a big deal? Then she says "Honey my sons queer I know how hard it can be when something like that gets out. I just wanted you to know it's our little secret and the only reason I said something was, I didn't want anyone else to see." Now mind you this is a lady that works for me." I told her Ok thank you and wished a good evening. I was so nervous and embarrassed all I could think about was firing her but something about her made me feel like she was telling the truth and would keep our secret.
I will keep you updated if anything else happens.
If the need to fire her for other reasons came about (bad work performance; misbehavior; etc.), make sure you are able to list them out so that she couldn't use "our secret" as an excuse if she was to get a lawyer involved.
Sounds like Sammy's giving someone a raise......
And a better parking space......
And more time off around the holidays.....
I hope you don't mind the ribbing Sam. I think you were lucky to have such and unfortunate thing happen in front of a person who is kind enough to keep it confidential.
I totally agree with Bobbie. She was trying to be helpful.
I wouldn't dare fire her over seeing my panties I should have been more careful. She's a nice lady and a good worker. As you can imagine all kinds of things run through your mind after an employee sees your wearing woman's panties
I don't know if you should have named this a funny story I think a scary story is more appropriate I would have lost my mind if that happened to me good luck girlfriend
I'm with Bobbi and Samantha,
That lady was nice and had your back. literally
You definitely should have her back if she needs it.
That must have been more a shocker not expecting someone to see let alone mention it!
I will wear a thong or pastel panties and make sure they are above my jeans and when I am daring and I am in a store I will lean over on purpose to show off my panties! So far no one has said anything to me but I get turned on!!!
please let us know any further talks with this woman!
Love Tami ❤️❤️❤️
Tami I don't get to get fully dressed very often. However I do wear panties most of the time. I have to say I do like to show them off in the right situation. At work I had no intention of my panties being seen. I have just used the rest room and bam they were showing. It is what it is. She hasn't mentioned anything nor has she been any different. So goes that people don't really care.