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Gay Conversion Therapy

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I recently stopped using another CD forum as it had some very racist members. Interestingly what stopped me from going there was the subject of Gay Conversion Therapy.

Personally, I think this practice is ignorant, Medieval and those "counselling" gay conversion therapy should be thrown in jail for abuse.

I recently watched "Boy Erased" and wonder what we can do to stop this barbaric practice that targets people like us?

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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It's kind of ironic to see that the ones screaming the loudest against racism on Facebook are actually themselves racist. Try and have a normal conversation there about something like this, and you get attacked from all directions. Sadly, its just how people are: everyone wants to be "the voice of wisdom" or just dominate the world with their beliefs.

As far as homosexuality, I really don't care who loves who. I am attracted to genetic ladies, others are attracted to their same gender. Yes, I like wearing women's swimwear when I am alone, but I am not homosexual myself.

I may be crossing the line of what I can and can't say in these forums, but I will risk it anyways: I've had people try to be violent towards me (for reasons other than my dressing). It did not end well for them. Crossdressing or homosexuality is no reason for anyone to use violent methods to get people to change their ways. If anyone ever tried against me...........I'll just stop before I get my account banned.

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Totally agree.

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Hi April , indeed a scary & barbaric topic but a brilliant film , reading the book is next , Tiff

Posts: 61
Trusted Member     Boston, Massachusetts, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I agree! The whole idea of gay conversion therapy is so offensive and so unscientific. Look at the type of people who support it! What can be done? Educate the ignorant. Support LGBTQ (and CD) rights. Support women's rights for that matter.  Vote out Pence.


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