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Hiya Girls, I just joined a few days ago because i am getting back into crossdressing after having been away many years. Unfortunately, i now have to buy all new outfits so I am looking for suggestions???
Cheap prices - good fits - who help me out???
Where did you get your outfits before you took a break from dressing ?
Hiya Lisa,
Nice to hear from you. I used to buy some things online but, don't remember which sites. I thought i had a few w the cloths were really cheap and delivered fast, sizes correct. Im on all the ones now like amazon, suddenly fem, glam boutigue but prices seem higher than before. I need a pretty big starter kit cause i purged like many.
Hey Cindy, your situation sounds just like mine, I stopped 7 years and then all of a sudden a few weeks ago bang, just had to put on something sexy.
Had my first outing en femme earlier this week, was a rush to say the least! Get yourself sorted girl and get out there!
Hey Cindy, your situation sounds just like mine, I stopped 7 years and then all of a sudden a few weeks ago bang, just had to put on something sexy.
Had my first outing en femme earlier this week, was a rush to say the least! Get yourself sorted girl and get out there!
You do sound just like me. I am so happy you had a wonderful experience. Lets chat on pm soon and share. Lets chat
en feeme has wonderful stuff - little pricey. i may have to put up a go fund me page for everything i see and like - lol.
I shop kohls clearance racks and target sales mostly since I try not to spend too much on my "hobby". Goodwill is good as well.
Welcome Back Cindy!
Thank you sweetie
I recommend Amazon. Type in key words that fit what you like. Welcome back girl!
Thank you Ash, i just got a ton of stuff fm amazon.
Thank you Michelle, great to be back
Agree that you can find a lot of great stuff on Amazon. If you’re a small (thin) girl, Shein is terrific. I love their stuff, but their sizes don’t fit me. I personally use StitchFix, which isn’t necessarily cheap, but if you’re honest about your sizing, they’ll send you great clothes. I wouldn’t have the wardrobe I do without it.
Amazon is good, but there is also AliExpress which ships from China and takes weeks, but is very low price and vast selection. Sizes are often Asian, so check actual cm or inches. I love Venus and Boston Proper is not bad. Depends on the look you are going for and your size. I prefer bodycon to show off my shape. I have gotten many from Savers/Goodwill/Salvation Army as well.
Hugs, Ellen