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Some women believe exposing their unborn to sounds of certain genres of music (classical, jazz etc.) , sophisticated conversation, and thoughts of intense love will help baby in mental and emotional development. Do you think intense wishing for a girl would affect the baby even though biology has it own plans......come out a boy?
I am number three of four boys. Over the years, small off hand remarks about "missing having a girl" have been made. I was named "Kim", which at the time, was generally viewed a girls name. This cause some problems in school, so my middle name was used. The topic of "Kim" was meant with silence or avoidance by relatives. Mother suffered from mental problems over the years. On the CD spectrum, I would describe myself as gender-fluid. I sometimes think mother named or insisted my name as Kim to somehow convince herself she got a girl. So, what do you girls think?
Howdy Karley. They say that positive thinking will make things happen but in gender cases.....well...mother nature does not co-operate. I am so sorry to hear that your mom has health issues......hope she is still with you and feeling better. She does have her "girl" now...in you. Yes, school life can be tough especially with a name that they can tease you with. I never had much trouble in school from other inmates cause I was easy going joker and a mean sob when provoked. Guess that is way I made a good soldier and now...a Templar Knight. Walk softly but carry a huge sword......or in Nam....go quietly and carry an m-16 and lots of grenades in your medical pack!
Anyhow...hope you enjoy being with us girls....feel free to contact me to ask questions or to just chat. Your new Sister.........
Dame Veronica
Hello Karley,
I wonder if Mother Nature did make a mistake during the sequence determining gender and you were supposed to be a female. If you feel more comfortable as a female then I’d say you lean towards transgender. There are some of us who feel we were born as the wrong gender and feel so comfortable and normal wearing feminine clothing and accessories. In my own case this is what I feel and the way to this conclusion is long and twisty but verification cannot be done because nobody is around anymore to ask. So I go on how I feel in drab and en femme so for me I feel transgender but essentially not certain of my eventual path until counseling is under way. I wonder if anyone thought how their comments would affect you later in life. Just know that you are not alone here and you are supported. There is knowledge, love, and friendship with us in our community so relax, pull up a chair and have a drink or three. You are allowed to relax around us and chat a bit. TTFN💋👠
<p style="text-align: left;">I think Dame Veronica and Danielle hit it right on point. I was told, "It's not what that they call you but what you answer to." No matter if its Kim or Karley, you have to love yourself. In the mean time this community you have chosen is made just for you. I know I cam new tovthe community but I have been shown so much love by these wonderful ladies and I will gladly share it with those I incounter! If you want some one to talk to feel to drop a line when ever. Hold your pretty head up and don't let world think you are defeated.</p>