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Girls Day Out!

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
Joined: 7 years ago

Hi Everyone!

   This is a bit late, been busy!

On May 18th, Abby Kingston and I met in Audubon, PA for a girls day out.  We met at my hotel and changed, then headed out to Phoenixville, PA for some shopping.  There are a number of specialty shops and boutiques there, and we managed to hit four of them.  We were dressed casually and comfortably; Abby in Jeans and a black top with white flowers and brown ankle boots, me in jeans with a long sleeved white top with blue stripes and black ankle boots.  The first place we went was a kind of BoHo vintage clothing, but we didn't find anything interesting.  The second was a mixed bag with curios and various skin care products as well as clothes.  Abby got some lotion there, but I passed.  The next two shops were more fruitful.

Both were clothing places.  On the first, I got this nice short sleeved peasant blouse in pale green, plus a new belt.  At the fourth place, I struck out on tops but Abby hit the jackpot!  They had this gorgeous short sleeved floor length gown in a blue flowered pattern that fit her perfectly!  It was too long for me (and I'm a bit, shall we say, fuller than Abby!) but she looked fantastic in it!  The sales lady was very accommodating and treated us like the ladies we were.  She suggested a new black cami to go under the dress and Abby went for that as well.  All three of us were so excited and pleased with how great Abby looked in the dress, so of course she had to get it and the cami as well.

We both were so excited at finding the various things at the stores!  Afterwards, we ate dinner at Applebee's (which specifically said they were LGBTQ+ friendly), then made it to a great Ice Cream place for dessert!

We wrapped it all up around 10:30.  Abby drove home, and I got ready for bed and was asleep before Midnight.

All in all, a most FUN experience, which we hope to do again real soon!


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Trusted Member     Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 32


I will add that having an opportunity to go out enfemme with great friends from CDH is an absolute blessing.  Leah, thanks again for the invite and opportunity.  It is always an adventure being dressed out in public.  And even more fun doing it with someone else and enjoying their company.  I had no plan to purchase anything, but was blown away with the fact that the dress I bought was unexpectedly beautiful and they had it in my size, which is a very rare occurrence.  Jackpot!

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Famed Member     Roland, Iowa, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

What a wonderful fun day!!!!  So happy for the both of you.



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