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Going Hair Free

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Trusted Member     Pittsburgh Area, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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More than 10 years ago I decided to begin shaving my legs. Shortly after that I began to shave my entire torso. About 5 years ago I got tired of shaving and went for laser hair removal. I had my chest, stomach, back and my “brazilian” lasered. It was not cheap and took about 8 sessions but it was entirely worth it to me. (I did not do my legs as that just pushed the cost too high for my budget. I still have to shave them along with my arms and armpits)

I love my “new” look. Before the hair removal I had taken some personal photos of myself in my lingerie and just did not like how the bras, bikinis, stockings, and camisoles looked with chest, back, and leg hair. Now I love how the lingerie looks on my smooth skin and I love how the lingerie feels on my skin. More than anything else I just love how it feels being smooth.

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Hi Robin

I totally agree with you - there is nothing quite like having a smooth body!  Being smooth looks and feels wonderful !  Keep it up.


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I too started with the legs robin and now enjoy full body shaving while in the tub. Not only does it feel so nice to be smooth and soft but love the feeling of certain fabrics on my body after a shaving like    bodystockings. It does help complete the look of being a total woman too. It is something everyone here should try at least once

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I totally agree, says the one that just stepped out of her bath smooth as a newborn 😉

Well, almost as smooth, as I did not shave all my body hair: forearms (I don't know why, never did them) and the back (I can't reach it and I am shaving alone) remains unchanged... at least for for the moment.

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Illustrious Member     Peterborough , Ontario, Canada
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Like everyone here I totally agree. I've started in the past year and now  fully shave . I just love the feel and even though  the hassles of Shaving and  so often it's still beautiful feeling. I would love to look into laser and will later but for now soft and smooth is certainly the way to go . 🌹

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If you are thinking of laser, look into it before the hair starts to go grey, otherwise the results will be nowhere as good as they could be and you could end up disappointed.

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Estimable Member     North Carolina, United States of America
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I started shaving my pubic area and chest more than 15 years ago. When I tried Nair and other hair removal creams I have been sold ever since. Still working up to doing my whole legs.

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Active Member     Essex, United Kingdom
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Totally agree. Don't understand why anyone who likes to dress isn't then brave enough to want the smoother female look and feel.

I have been shaving, waxing and plucking for many, many years and still get frustrated at its stubborn regrowth. Agree, that I wish I had tried laser hair removal as I think I have too much grey and it isn't as good as I had hoped

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Noble Member     Long Island,, New York, United States of America
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Ah going hair free... I am blessed that my body shows light hair and at my age I shave my legs once a month. Wearing shorts and showing legs hair free, no big deal.... I must admit shaving my torso is seasonal.....I can't wait to mid September and my body will be complete hair free....

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hi robin

I keep my self shaved ,chest , legs and Pubic area and it's great to be soft and smooth , and I feel so feminine and pretty ,

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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Try a Full Leg "bikini" waxing, I was leery about it 1st time but now I love it. My SOGGF last June decided that she wanted me to be more GIRLISH  for a vacation trip to a nearby beach resort and wear a rather revealing Brazilian Style bottom tankini on the resort's beach, thus the bikini leg waxing treatment.

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Reputable Member     Tacoma, Washington, United States of America
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I've been hair free for years. I started slowly removing mine and as I went out more I wanted clothes with short sleeves or sleeveless so I got rid of it all. Never had an issue and love it. My goal is to appear fem so this is a major deal for me if I am going to be out as a female. I have light hair and shave as needed.



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Noble Member     Northampton, Massachusetts, United States of America
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Now with Summer almost over, I shaved my legs again. It feels amazing.  Course now we probably will get some more hot days but just could not stand it.  Been Growing out chest hair to try to waxing, I want to see if works better for me. I also keep my face clean shaven all the time.  Thanks for the post. - Michelle


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