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Going out

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Eminent Member     Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Joined: 1 year ago

I feel so much more comfortable and more happier and more relaxed and outgoing when I am going out dressed up Purple Kiss  

6 Replies
Posts: 358
Honorable Member     St Thomas, Ontario, Canada
Joined: 5 years ago

Same here.

Posts: 485
Prominent Member     Seattle, Washington, United States of America
Joined: 2 years ago

Me, too! My wife and I went dancing on Saturday night with friends, and my wife's best friend commented to her about how happy I was to be out, dancing,  comfortable in my skin!

Posts: 2172
 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

For some being dressed is the more natural expression of themselves, so being dressed and feeling good are a natural fit. For others, like myself, dressing is just a small part of me, something I enjoy doing but is not an integral part of me.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
Joined: 5 years ago

Same here Monique. It feels natural.

Posts: 108
Estimable Member     Dayton, Ohio, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Yesterday's weather here in Dayton was extraordinarily beautiful.  I couldn't contain myself.  I just had to go for a walk.  And since I was already in girl mode, I resolved to dab on some concealer, foundation, powder, mascara, lipstick, and wig and just let breeze rustle the skirt of my dress.  I went to two locations.  A paved path adjacent to a nearby community center which rings a large pond, and another nearby path ringing an even bigger pond.  I'm sure most of the people I came across clocked me, but no one was unfriendly.  A few even said hello.  I was overdressed for the occasion, with most of the women I came across either dressed down in sweats, or in yoga pants.  But given the hour, a lady going for a stroll on a gorgeous day after getting of work was still a plausible (and mostly true) cover story.

All that said, my self-confidence took a hit.  I guess I just need to come to terms with the fact passing is simply not an option.  Looking out, the world, exclusive of the judgement of others, felt so much brighter and happier.  But it hurt to feel like an oddity in the eyes of others.  

Posts: 2172
 J J
Famed Member     California, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

I just accept the fact that people may, or may not, realize I am. a guy in a dress. Once I did that I no longer worried about it and being out becomes more enjoyable without the worry about judgement. As my wax technician.once said, "If somebody has a problem. with, it is their problem, not yours."

Wise words to love by.


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