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I have already gone out once but it was wearing trousers and a big baggy jumper, but they were feminine clothes and I wore heels too, and red nail varnish. I hope to go out tomorrow or Thursday and have two outfits ready: one is leggings and a black polo neck jumper the other is a dress, both with heels. I hope to wear the dress as I don't feel I'll have done a 'proper' job if I go with the trousers again -- nice though the look is. I think I'll feel like I've only done half the job as, if I was clocked, I could just be mistaken for someone doing a part-trans androgynous thing rather than actual cross-dressing and I don't want to feel as if I've cheated myself out of the full experience. I will have to wait until the morning of the outing and see how confident I feel.
Isn't the way for girls - what shall I wear? There are so many variables to consider, weather, where we are going, who you're going with and so on. Usually there will be a change after putting something on but I suppose in your case would be if your wife is happy. If she doesn't mind then it is up to you again!
Normal for a girl...
Did it, yay.
I started by trying on leggings and my knee high boots. Unfortunately, I wore the boots yesterday on a long walk and they were brand new, I should not have done that as I got a blister on my big toe. Tried them on today and there was no way I could walk anywhere in them, so I tried my ankle boots, but they didn't go with the leggings so the decision was made; a dress it was going to be.
I was nervous while driving to the city but I needn't have worried. I spent about an hour walking around (my feet were still sore from yesterdays boot-wearing), popped into a couple of shops and on the way home, I stopped at a garden centre and bought some kale seeds.
I can't be sure, but I don't think I got a second glance from anyone. One old guy with a walking frame said hello but I got the impression he says hello to everyone.
All in all, job done and next time shouldn't be a problem.
So been out twice now, feeling pleased with myself.