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I have a great gender therapist and we meet every two weeks. In the past I usually drive there wearing some femme clothing but not dresses or skirts and once I get there I change fully in Lauryn. That feels so great to be at least somewhat in public and helps me feel I am making progress. Each time I have been wearing more and more girl clothes on the trip there and back. It’s a bit of a walk from the truck to the office and the reception is for all the many small businesses in the building not just therapy but insurance etc.
I have my next session tomorrow and I was all set on going completely dressed with a skirt and heels and a beautiful Anthropologie sequin top. I am in my beard on my face phase right now but I did go get my nails done today all the way downtown on the subway wearing a bra with stuff and earrings and girls top.
So my question is this - go fully dressed and be happy with the progress, which I am really working on, or this is too much ? If I had help with a nice makeup job I wouldn’t give a second thought.
Hi Lauryn, are you comfortable going to a more public place like the reception area while fully dressed? I go to my therapist kind of semi dressed every session, and I love doing so. So if you feel safe and comfortable with it, I’d say go for it. But ultimately, only you can decide.
Just my opinion. Shave off the beard and go with the best makeup you can do.
I feel like we dishonor women if we don’t try our best when we are borrowing their space.
Have a good session. @
100% Trudi ❤️
My therapist has never met him. I am always 100% me when I see her. She encourages me & has never asked to meet him. I am totally comfortable with this, & for that matter, going anywhere in public. I present as a woman & I am perceived as a woman.
@laurynvalentine If you go in a dress or skirt while still having a beard, you will very likely draw attention. It may just be looks from people, or may be people giggling when they see you. If this isn't going to bother you, then go for it. Otherwise, I'd take the advice of @trudi and shave the beard before going out in a dress or skirt.
Isn't this something that would be better discussed with your therapist?
Lauryn -
The decision is ultimately yours. You know the area and how people may react. As Madeline said, ask your therapist for their thoughts. It sounds like you're okay being out being partially dressed which is a step in the right direction.
I have dressed for sessions with my therapist both online and in person. I go in drab and change when I get there. There are a number of reasons for that, one of which is keeping the peace at home, another is I have a goatee and am not comfortable being out en femme with it. I will say that doing sessions dressed is nice as it helps to validate that part of me. It is nice being complimented by my therapist on my outfit and to be addressed as Suzanne (she does do that when I'm in drab as well sometimes). There have been times I've gone for sessions and not dressed but show her my pedicure or wear some pretty earrings and get compliments on them.
Bottom line - do what you are comfortable in doing.
I will unequivocally say to do it. Now, I will admit that I may be a little bias. However, what you describe is how I generally present to the world on a regular basis. My hair is military short, and I boast a neatly trimmed goatee. Neither of which stops me from wearing the clothes that I wish which more often than not is clearly feminine in nature including my dresses and skirts. In general, I do not wear makeup, and never wear a wig. It is clear to anyone, but the blind, that I am a man, proudly wearing a dress. No one who matters will care, and those who have an issue don't really matter.
MacKenzie Alexandra
I would consider shaving the beard going to Sephora (or similar) and having a make-over before your appointment. That way you are 100% en femme.