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Well, I officially go back to work tomorrow after being off since November first. That is good for me financially but that also means I can’t be dressed all day long as I have been since mid December. I won’t be able to dress at work because it’s just not practical (although I will always be wearing panties as usual).
I am not returning to my previous employer. That has some pros and cons. I won’t go into all those details except for it’s relevance to CDH. I would not have been in a position to come out at my previous employer. The work environment and the types of people in the general public that I would have been in contact with would have serious issues with my long nails and manicured eyebrows. As for my new job, even though I can’t dress, I have already come out as transgender to my boss and talked about my crossdressing. So, it’s no secret and I wouldn’t be surprised if my coworkers already know. And I can tell the truth about my eyebrows and nails. Hopefully, I can avoid damaging my nails.
Anyway, it’s good to already be out with them and good to have more income coming in again. Sucks that I can’t wear a dress or skirt all day and sharing them in the public photos but it’s a small concession to make.
It’s kinda exciting though, and I’m left wondering if, since you “fronted” the issue and they seem to have no issue with it generally, if you may at some point be able to visit the notion of dressing at work? Obviously, I don’t know what the job is and whether it’s feasible, but it might be worth exploring!
Good luck and God bless!
Mika so happy for you on both fronts, having a job AND being “out” with them. As Steph said, maybe this will be an opening to be a little more femme or at least androgynous as time goes on? I wish you the best in your new endeavors and hope it’s even better than your hoping for.
Congrats on the new position and the at least partially accepting workplace!
Me! She no doubt has better nails and brows than mine!!!!!! While that is probably true, I would just ask advice. Go get ‘em Mika!
Thanks, Stephanie. I am going to be out in the woods building trails. Lots of digging in the dirt, using chainsaws, moving rocks, and some bushwhacking through heavy brush. So, jeans and work boots kinda work.
Thanks, Carolyn. I’m gonna be building trails out in the woods. In drab, I always wear skinny jeans anyway and that’s about as femme as I’ll be able to get doing this kind of work.
Congratulations on the new job Mika!
LOL. Thanks, Vecca. I did have to cut them back recently because of some bad chips and breaks. But even now they are almost twice as long as being cut short. I’ll probably have to get some Hard As Nails so I don’t have problems when they get really long again.
In my old position, on the occasions that I would deal with the general public, I would often be around a lot of ultra conservative people who would be armed. I would hear a lot of crap come out of their mouths because they just assumed that I would have similar beliefs as they do. Some coworkers would openly trash alternative lifestyles and use racial slurs. The public contact was even worse.
Thanks, Vecca. They are very accepting. I was congratulated by the company owner when I came out. I have already known three of the seven people for several years and they are good accepting people. Even if someone had an issue with me being trans, I know they would rally around me.
Thanks, Laura. My closet is already bursting at the seams with skirts and dresses. But once I take my uniforms from my old job out, I will have more space to fill. 😁
Thank you, Geneviéve. I’m excited because it’s something that I love doing with some open minded friends as my coworkers.
Thanks, Alice. I’m going to be getting paid to do something that I love doing so much that I had volunteered over 2500 hours doing it in the past. It’s only going to be for the next two years but it may lead to what I would consider my dream job.
That actually sounds like a wonderful way to spend a day. My family loves to hike. For what its worth there are some really cute hiking boots and Deluth Trading has some cute women’s hiking and outdoor clothes. Enjoy nature for all of us.