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So, it’s a beautiful sunny, albeit hot, day here in Virginia. Since I have time to relax due to recent retirement, I decided it would be a great day to just sit on my fairly secluded back deck and enjoy the weather. Fully dressed in a grey strappy tank top ( yes, my bra strap is showing), blond wig, full makeup, and a SHORT denim skirt. I live in a large subdivision and my property backs up to the community area where the pool is. Lo and behold I hear the sound of a lawnmower very close by. It’s the property maintenance man cutting the grass in the common areas. Now, the question is, do I just stay where I am or run inside and hide? I decide to just stay on the deck in full view of this person. The good news is, he came within 25 feet of me and didn’t pay any attention to me ( I know he saw me, cause he looked my way a few times). The bad news is, he came within 25 feet of me and didn’t pay any attention to me. Either he didn’t care, or I look ok enough to not have drawn any unwanted attention. Either way, being outside and being seen is a thrilling thing, and I am thoroughly enjoying it!
I am sure you looked absolutely beautiful.
You are too kind!
Awesome Em! Thanks for sharing x.
Emily.........being an exhibitionist!!!! You little fox you!
Happy for you sweetie!!!! PS....I do it too......love trolling construction sites and upsetting the boys!!!!! (Red convertible Jaguar E- type........blond wig, owl eyes sun shades and of course....rucked up skirt.)
Daisy Duke got nothin on this girl! My Super likes grass cutting too.....absolutely dead ringer for Shrek and twice the pervert........I hide under my blanky when I hear him coming.!
Dame Veronica