@shawndyglitterfiend I get very chicken without my gf. She's placed several dares on me lately yet my taste in dance wear/clothes in general, makes me wonder what events might potentiate
After reading your thorough profile, it appears that you have gone out in public a fair number of times. Every time that you do that, it should reassure you, so I certainly would encourage you to do it more often.
I am in Toronto, too, and have yet to find any resistance to my dressing. Mind you, I am not dressed in dance wear. If this is the source for your concern and you truly want to go out dressed in public more often, then you need to think about what will make it work for you.
Of the few pictures of you that I have seen, you are definitely passable, so that is already in your favour.
A change in attitude? F' it and just do it anyway?
A change in style? Blending in, attracting fewer eyeballs, certainly has its advantages.
Sometimes we need to compromise to get something that we truly want.