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Estimable Member     San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Did I miss out on a new fad? Is joining as many groups as you can now the "in" thing, like collecting facebook friends? I see members joining half a dozen groups or more and participating in none of them. I always thought that the purpose of groups was to find like minded individuals, members with a lot in common to actively exchange thoughts and ideas. Yet I see groups with hundreds of members sit idle for days, even weeks at a time. Why join a group if you have no intention of contributing? I realize that there is a lot to do on this wonderful site and there never seems to be enough hours in the day but I pay for the privilege of being in a can bet I'm going to do all I can to get the most out of it.

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Estimable Member     Toms River,New jersey, New Jersey, United States of America
Joined: 9 years ago

Candy, Good thought and good answer. I tried to sign up for a couple of groups myself but I guess it never went through ? Anyway maybe I need to upgrade my membership? But anyway I would chat and share. Thanks for the note for CDH.
Stacey s

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Estimable Member     San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Yes Stacey to participate in groups you must be at Baroness or above. It's easy. Just click the "upgrade" bar at the top of the page for options. Thanks for participating.


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I think this "fad" is due to the many members who are using the free lady membership which allows you to join groups but doesn't allow you to enter those groups thereafter.

Posts: 88
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Estimable Member     San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

I think that's very true Jasmine. It's apparently not clear to many, especially new members, of what's required to participate. Hopefully this will clarify things for all.

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Reputable Member     United States of America
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Thanks for your post and enthusiasm.  I know the “Yes I am” group is growing and showing more activity.

If anyone has any questions about accessing groups feel free to contact me.


Groups and Forum Manager

Posts: 88
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Estimable Member     San Antonio, Texas, United States of America
Joined: 8 years ago

Thanks for your input and support, Kayla. Crossdresser Heaven rocks. Just want to turn it up to 11.


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