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Groups - how can we increase engagement?

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(@Anonymous 95775)
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I’m new here and I joined some groups. I’m not seeing much activity in there (one large group has had no activity in three days).

Talk to me about groups, please? 


There isn't much activity in Groups.  I'd love for that to improve.  If anyone wants to carry that baton you'd have my undying gratitude. 

We're aware that Groups don't get much love and have discussed ways to jump start them.  It's still very much an open discussion.

So with that in mind, I'll pose your question to the membership.  What would y'all do to jump start Groups?  I'm looking for ideas and solutions, please!

Emily Alt (Assistant Managing Ambassador, Forums)

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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
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Hi, Krista, I, too, joined a couple of groups shortly after becoming a member and, yes, I've not seen much activity in either of them.

I spend most of my time in the forums, there are so many interesting topics and posts. Because CDH is such a broad church, people start or join groups to share their particular interests. It is, of course, up to the participants of such groups to do exactly that, participate. Maybe, like me, there's enough to keep them busy in other areas of the site?

Allie x

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You're right Krista.  There isn't much activity in Groups.  I'd love for that to improve.  If anyone wants to carry that baton you'd have my undying gratitude. 

We're aware that Groups don't get much love and have discussed ways to jump start them.  It's still very much an open discussion.

So with that in mind, I'll pose your question to the membership.  What would y'all do to jump start Groups?  I'm looking for ideas and solutions, please!


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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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@emilyalt @kristacrawford1967 

I'm changing the title of the thread so that it poses that question, and adding a quote from Emily to Krista's opening post 🙂

Krista - thanks for raising this. I think it's important.

Ellie x

(@Anonymous 95775)
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@kristacrawford1967, you are better off using Chat. A lot of the ladies spend a lot of time in there.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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I've been a member for several years and I've only seen sporadic activity in most of the groups. There are a few that get some life, but most are pretty dormant. That doesn't mean you can't float something out there.  

Posts: 1458
    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
Joined: 1 year ago

Much the same experience here to be honest.  There's too much going on the regular forums to have much time left for groups anyway!  Another problem with them is you can't invite friends who haven't upgraded, so if you were organising an event for example, you might still have to do it through forum threads and PMs.

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
Posts: 5213


That's a very good point about the access.

There have been many occasions when I've tried to be helpful to a new member by suggesting that they join a particular Group, only for them to discover that they can't because of their level of membership 🙁

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

I upgraded four months ago to Duchess because I wanted to participate more in the website and contribute more to a sorority that has done me so much good. Then I was able to join three groups and I am currently in six. Outside of the Keystone group that served a specific function there has been very little activity in them. For example, in the Poems of Our Life group, since I joined four months ago, I have posted the last nine times and I think no one has read anything because no one else has posted or commented on anything since I joined that group. I posted once in a while in other groups. 

In the end I have been participating more in the forums and honestly I would like to be more active in the chats. Frankly, I don't know if there's any point in participating in groups because, unlike forums, I'm never sure if someone read what I write in them. 


Posts: 59
(@Anonymous 95775)
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Since the groups are aimed at niche audiences, I don't know if there is some general way to breathe life into them. 

As the poster noted, some groups have little to no activity.  It might be time to thin out or delete groups that have not shown any meaningful activity for a long period of time.

Up until about a year ago, some members of the "Atlanta Girls Group" were meeting weekly for a support meeting and social time after the meeting.  We no longer meet for a support meeting but continue sporadically to meet one-on-one or in small groups. 

It is festival season now in Atlanta, and I attend as my female self.  The group is a great place for making announcements about local events and setting up places to meet at those events. 

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(@Anonymous 95775)
Joined: 10 months ago

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Posts: 59

@catgurl Thanks for sharing and…you’re so pretty!


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