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Happy Easter, and happy TDoV, it's my rebirth day!!

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Noble Member     Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Joined: 3 years ago
The Woman Inside, Lauren's Journey
Sometimes, they say that the planets align, this time, for me, it wasn't just the planets, but also the stars, the months and the years.
Tomorrow is Easter, which is also a celebration of new life, of rebirth. Tomorrow is also a day of celebration known as International Transgender Day of Visibility.
Quite a few years ago, after doing some very deep soul searching, I had a vision, on a beautiful Easter morning, of an incredibly beautiful place. As a poetry lover I attempted to put it to verse, I couldn't. As an artist I tried to put the image on paper, I couldn't. The image in my mind was so pure, so brilliant, so lovely, that there was no way I could possible capture it. I, instead, had to surrender to it, and it set me free and changed my life forever.
I had come to an intimate knowledge, understanding and appreciation of who The Creator is, and was finally able to feel that presence in my heart.
For most of my life I have lived with another vision, one so firmly planted within my brain, my heart and my soul, that there were never even moments when it would diminish. It was the voice, the thoughts, the whispers, of the woman inside.
It took spending a week of solitude during Covid, after having heart surgery and almost dying, before she was able to thoroughly capture my attention, as the gentle whisper became a cry, "It is my turn!"
I had always known her voice, and now realized I had to make some serious changes to my life and set her free. I acknowledged I was transgender and needed to transition to living as the person I truly have been since I was born.
I shared this with my co-workers, friends and family members. It was, for some, a surprise, but for many, not a surprise at all as my feminine spirit had been detected by them.
The date of my "coming out" or transition was set. I was told the day would be March 31st. Transgender Day of Visibility, and the woman inside would no longer be, inside, but set free!
The day Lauren arrived for her first day at work, they had cake, flowers, cards, balloons and gifts. I was told this was my rebirth day, I was now a butterfly set free from her cocoon!
Tomorrow is March 31st, It is Easter this year. And it is also Transgender Day of Visibility. Tomorrow I celebrate my two rebirth days, and I will never look back, this butterfly has been set free to soar with her beautiful wings through the azure skies, and she will be, glorious and visible!
Happy Easter everyone, and happy TDoV!
Ms Lauren M
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Illustrious Member     Fife, United Kingdom
Posts: 2210


A happy Easter to you, Lauren. And an extremely happy Re-birthday!

What an uplifting story, thanks for sharing it with us.

Allie x

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Majestic Member     Norfolk, United Kingdom
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Baroness Annual
Noble Member     Wisconsin, United States of America
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Happy Rebirthday Lauren! Happy Easter! May you celebrate many, many more as that beautiful butterfly!

The people where you work sound awesome.

Heart Lara

Posts: 1118
Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
Joined: 7 years ago

Happy Easter! Happy TDoV! Enjoy freedom, Lauren.


Posts: 2111
Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
Joined: 5 years ago

Lauren -

Happy Re-birth day, Happy Easter, Happy Transgender Day of Visibility - very happy for you that you are able to be the beautiful butterfly you were meant to be. Enjoy the day.



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