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Happy Photo Accident

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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Hi all - I have been. spamming this site with some pictures of me recently ( sorry about that). I am not being vain just excited ! 

The reason being so is that I am now able to self take a decent picture of myself. As I do not have anyone to do it for me. It all came via a happy accident. You may know that a self take is quite hard via the Phone and every time I tried be it activating the shutter on my Apple Watch - or using the timer - it never worked out. I have either left my reading glasses on or blinked, had a soppy smile or frown etc. All usually ending up in the deleted section.

Now every time I dress, I like to take a picture . So some weeks ago went to go through the ordeal of trying to get a photo - but instead of pressing the timer, I had accidently set it to video and ended up with a 30 second clip ! Interested - I shoved it onto the Computer and put it through a video editor ( just Quick Time  nothing special ) - and went through the clips one by one and found a decent pose, right clicked and saved, Viola ! a decent pic.

So buoyed by my happy discovery, decided to try it again with it set to 4K resolution and spent 2 to 3 minutes recording another one with various poses/expressions - Got some great pics finally !!!!!

Now this could be common knowledge but I had never known about it and if you do not know then I hope it will help to bring the best out of yourself - besides, its not cheating - Robert Mapplethorpe used to take up to a hundred pictures in a session often with the same pose.

My final challenge was to see Jillian Laugh in a picture - so Video set off again and played Bill Hicks " Live at Oxford" where he makes fun of British journalism - hence the featured picture of myself on this site with a big smile.

If you have never done it - try it - you might like it - a design for life................


Jillian x


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Great tip, Jillian. What a clever idea!

I imagine that lots of members are going to be trying this out ...


Ellie x

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@ellyd22 I don’t know about clever but I am sure there are many finds from happy accidents lol !

love Jillian and thanks x

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I teach Chemistry ... it's riddled with serendipitous discoveries 🙂

Superglue, post-it notes, artificial sweeteners, polythene, silly putty, synthetic dyes ...

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@ellyd22 And the WD-40 lube    Lol

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@justjillian This is great. I take loads of selfies on an Anna day to get a few good ones. I am a rubbish photographer at the best of times and most of my selfies that work best seem to be of me sitting on my stairs

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This idea is... quite brilliant! 

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jacquelinelarkspur - thanks, it’s certainly better than my usual gurn when I try a still shot. Also get better poses that do not look contrived 

love Jillian xx

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Noble Member     California, United States of America
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@justjillian That is such a great idea. I want to try this... to see how I look when video recorded candidly. I once saw myself on my own house security camera... it was interesting seeing me the stranger.

(@Anonymous 94145)
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@lea-jhene yes know what you mean and at the end of the day, it’s a bit of fun with at least something half decent to regard yourself.

give it a go 

Jillian xx

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@justjillian That is a GREAT idea!   Silence

Technically, the North American TV standard plays at 30 frames per sec...(in reality it's 29.97 frames per second for color).  For a 30 secs video clip, there will be 900 Jillians' to choose from when you freeze frame it!!!  

While the European standard - PAL plays at 25 frames per sec...which still equals to 750 Jillian pictures to choose from!!!  



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From now on I'm going to measure all film speeds in Jillians per second.

Fun fact: most species of pigeon process images much more quickly than humans do, to the extent that they would experience a motion picture as a series of still images 🙂

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    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
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@ellyd22 I love it, a new unit of measure coined right there!  I'd heard that about pigeons too.  I wonder if that's why the blasted creatures take so long to fly up off the road as you drive towards them? Maybe they see the approaching car as essentially still until it's almost on top of them.  Or something 🙂

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I wonder if that's why the blasted creatures take so long to fly up off the road as you drive towards them?

Yes ... that IS supposed to be the reason behind what would otherwise look like near-suicidal behaviour.


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@ellyd22 OH Ellie...kudos!  LOL

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@ellyd22 That's some cool nature and science facts.

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@sroyer Those are some cool numbers, and a lot of frames to examine 🙂 I'd probably find 10 frames to obsess over which one looks a hairline better!!

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Ooh!  Geek speak!  Most people outside of film/video/broadcast production wouldn't know squat about frame rates.  You must work in the Biz!  I got out years ago, BTW.

Technically, a 30 sec clip of drop-frame video will contain 899.1 individual frames/Jillians.  But who's counting when you're staring at a pretty face!


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@emilyalt I still have PTSD from NTSC! These days I'm a film speed girl; 24 fps all day and stuff your 3.22 pull down...

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@justjillian I just love the discovery by accidents. When you think you failed or screwed up and outcomes a masterpiece! 🥰 Fran

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@justjillian ian

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Thank you for that advice.

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Sounds like a great idea but I got lost at the 'Just a quick time - nothing special'.. I will find a two year old to explain it to me.

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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Oh “Quick Time” is a standard video playback tool. I use apple computers but windows will have a default video player that it will suggest to use when you have uploaded the video to the PC - be it via email upload or any other means that you would be comfortable with. If you have uploaded pics to your pc then it’s the same method.

Then when playing back the video just pause it and using backwards and forwards buttons, choose your best pose.

happy to help again if still stuck

i am 60 this year so feel the same way about new methods myself 


Jillian x

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 J J
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I don't do Apple, but have tried video capture before and the quality and resolution is not there. Can't say I ever tried at 4K though.

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@jjandme it’s definitely better in 4k ( took me a while to fumble and find it on my phone - to me it’s just a phone still - so not an expert) but it works for me and for posterity really 

Jillian x

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@justjillian Jillian, 4K is (or was) the standard for a few years now.  You may have noticed the electronic stores are pushing 4K (smart) TVs everywhere.   Before was regular TV - B&W then color then came High Definition and somewhere in between was it's 4K.

Meaning the picture and video quality is so superb and crisp.  Most local stations and cable providers have not transitioned their equipment to broadcast in 4K, let alone broadcasting in High Definition.

Most places that you will see 4K is home made videos shot in 4K, or some sports channel (if I recall) where you can literally see the pimples and drops of sweat on a player's face in such details.  I think several cinema films are also shot in 4K...but I don't remember which ones.  

Otherwise, 4k is generally used to show how gorgeous the color and the sharpness level of real birds, butterfly, trees, leaves and rural landscape is...on the (smart) tv that they are trying to get you to buy - all filmed in 4K with excellent lighting.   Imagine, if you will, 4K is sharp enough and detail enough to pick out the individual threads of your clothing in a picture.



(@Anonymous 94145)
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@sroyer Oh yeah - I have a 4K telly and find nowadays that if it ain't in 4K I will not watch it! I watch the sport in that format and Netflix show some in that format.

For the tech heads I recorded on my iPhone 13 with the setting at 4K at 60 Jillians per second ( thanks @ellyd22 ) To me the resolution of the picture looks fine - I do not expect Helmet Newton or Anton Corbin quality - but to little ol me its great to see Jillian in a decent pose and smiling for a change !

Love Jillian xx

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...I'm trying to remember the year TIGER WOODS WON THE MASTERS golf championship....It was the 4th round, it was on the 16th hole, he pulled his tee shot left. He was in a predicament. He was near the pin, but because of the pin position and sloping green he need to hit BEYOND THE PIN/HOLE and trust the hill to return his ball to the hole....for a moment, the ball stood was a could CLEARLY SEE the emblem on the ball....Isn't it now a JOKE about TV and RESOLUTION.... Don't get me wrong but Does anyone care if you can see the FINGERPRINTS on THE BALL?

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    Cornwall, United Kingdom
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I have 4k TV but I only have 2K eyes so it's a bit pointless really. 🙂

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@rebeccabaxter thankfully I am long sighted so it’s okay - only problem for me is I have to wear a watch with a face that’s the size of a dartboard to tell the time x

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Noble Member     Goldsboro, North Carolina, United States of America
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Interesting idea, I may have to try that myself. Currently, I take photos using my phone and the selfie screen, so I can see the pose. I trip the camera with a blue tooth shutter release button.

My phone is on a tripod and the shutter release in my hand. It's small enough to be almost invisible in my hand.

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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While higher resolution video can take up a lot of storage space, you do not want to completely run out of storage! Operating Systems don't handle that well, so be mindful of what you are doing.

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(@Anonymous 94145)
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@harriette Good tip for the uninitiated!

Myself being a software engineer have no issue. Besides the Videos I shoot are only a couple of mins long and are never more than a couple of gb and then once I get my perfect still - ether delete them or save them for later on a memory stick or in my cloud storage. I have not worried about storage for years but see where you come from but it's up to the end user and it was just a share of my findings that has careered off topic somewhat but nevertheless fun ( especially the new frame rate measurement as Jillians!)

Just something I tried and it worked for me as it was always a frustrating time when trying to self shoot and made up that at least i can measure Jillian to her worth.


Jillian xx


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