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Hi all - I have been. spamming this site with some pictures of me recently ( sorry about that). I am not being vain just excited !
The reason being so is that I am now able to self take a decent picture of myself. As I do not have anyone to do it for me. It all came via a happy accident. You may know that a self take is quite hard via the Phone and every time I tried be it activating the shutter on my Apple Watch - or using the timer - it never worked out. I have either left my reading glasses on or blinked, had a soppy smile or frown etc. All usually ending up in the deleted section.
Now every time I dress, I like to take a picture . So some weeks ago went to go through the ordeal of trying to get a photo - but instead of pressing the timer, I had accidently set it to video and ended up with a 30 second clip ! Interested - I shoved it onto the Computer and put it through a video editor ( just Quick Time nothing special ) - and went through the clips one by one and found a decent pose, right clicked and saved, Viola ! a decent pic.
So buoyed by my happy discovery, decided to try it again with it set to 4K resolution and spent 2 to 3 minutes recording another one with various poses/expressions - Got some great pics finally !!!!!
Now this could be common knowledge but I had never known about it and if you do not know then I hope it will help to bring the best out of yourself - besides, its not cheating - Robert Mapplethorpe used to take up to a hundred pictures in a session often with the same pose.
My final challenge was to see Jillian Laugh in a picture - so Video set off again and played Bill Hicks " Live at Oxford" where he makes fun of British journalism - hence the featured picture of myself on this site with a big smile.
If you have never done it - try it - you might like it - a design for life................
Jillian x
Sounds like a great idea but I got lost at the 'Just a quick time - nothing special'.. I will find a two year old to explain it to me.
I don't do Apple, but have tried video capture before and the quality and resolution is not there. Can't say I ever tried at 4K though.
...I'm trying to remember the year TIGER WOODS WON THE MASTERS golf championship....It was the 4th round, it was on the 16th hole, he pulled his tee shot left. He was in a predicament. He was near the pin, but because of the pin position and sloping green he need to hit BEYOND THE PIN/HOLE and trust the hill to return his ball to the hole....for a moment, the ball stood still...it was a NIKE...you could CLEARLY SEE the emblem on the ball....Isn't it now a JOKE about TV and RESOLUTION.... Don't get me wrong but Does anyone care if you can see the FINGERPRINTS on THE BALL?
I have 4k TV but I only have 2K eyes so it's a bit pointless really. 🙂
Interesting idea, I may have to try that myself. Currently, I take photos using my phone and the selfie screen, so I can see the pose. I trip the camera with a blue tooth shutter release button.
My phone is on a tripod and the shutter release in my hand. It's small enough to be almost invisible in my hand.
While higher resolution video can take up a lot of storage space, you do not want to completely run out of storage! Operating Systems don't handle that well, so be mindful of what you are doing.