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I had my panties in Baggies tucked away in the bottom of my suitcase under all my male clothing. Clean in one and worn in another. When I arrived home from my trip there they were right on top with the TSA inspection slip.
[postquote quote=222636][/postquote]
I posted a photo in my gallery.
Sharon, how is that a problem with TSA. Your bag was selected for further inspection. It was inspected and the agent left notice to that effect.
MacKenzie Alexandra
i have had problems with TSA but not with checked bag inspections. My problems have been related to my person going through the check point. Periodically my checked bag gets selected but nothing radically disturbed. You could try getting your bag checked as close to boarding time as you dare so they have to rush your bag along.
But, I’m sure they have seen it all and just wanted to be sure you weren’t an underwear bomber or should I say a panties bomber.
I have no issues with any of my bags being searched as it makes the travel safer, and what I carry in my luggage is not illegal.
If you are worried about the contents of your bag, then you could console yourself that you are carrying your patents clothes home for them, or have bought presents. As long as its safe and with in the non-hazardous requirements then you will have no problems.
I fly regularly and have shoes and clothes in my bag with no issue. I often fly dressed and again have had no issues (only if I forget to remove my bracelet that sets off the alarms)
Just be proud of who you are and thank the team for making the flights safe