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I took the dogs to the garden this evening, as I was dressed I decided to wear my drab hat to keep the rain off, it is a trilby and after glance in the mirror, I realised it was quite stylish on my [fake] hair. Do you occasionally wear a hat when dressed, what style do you prefer?
I have a number of hats. Being a farmer in the Australian Outback, we ALL wear large brimmed hats all the time.
I'm yet to get a ladies Akubra. They are extremely expensive. But my wife and I have a number of ladies dress hats.
Just looked that up. Apparently many are made from rabbit fur -- and you are not short of rabbits in Australia, I hear; is it true that it's illegal to keep pet rabbits in Oz?
I love hats but between a naturally large noggin and wearing a wig, it's hard to find ones that fit. When I do wear one now, it's a knitted cap with a pom pom on top. I'd love to find a nice wide brimmed hat.
I just snapped a photo last week with my first fashionable hat for ladies. Well, it is a “fascinator” and not really a hat, but it is much more than just a hair accessory. I’m from Kentucky and women often wear them at posh events, like the Kentucky Derby. I snapped some photos that I will share in a month or so of me in a beautiful floral dress and my fascinator hat. It made me feel that much more stylish, for sure!
I adore wearing big brim straw hats in the summer when going to the beach with a summer dress. For winter its a knitted cap with a pom pom too. In the autumn I like my beret. And when jogging or playing tennis its a sports hat.
I always think my wig is a hat. However I have a straw hat for summer and a woolly bobble hat for winter.
I have a couple of hats, although I find that I never really think I suit them. Even in drab mode I find that I don't really suit hats... I have a couple of woolly ones for when it's chilly, but that's about it.
My better half loves hats and she suits just about any design. She has encouraged me to try them, but apart from a couple of berets that I wear from time to time, I just feel a bit weird wearing hats! I think I just don't have the 'right kind of head' 🤔