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Eternal life? Naw... My Genie would turn me into a mushroom until our sun goes supernova. I don't trust Genies, worse than politicians and lawyers.
I wish for the next generation to be accepting of our lifestyles. And I think this just may come true from what I see of youngsters!!
🌞 Barb
Oh Connie do wish you get your wish one day to come true.
Oh Amy can feel for your wife know some people with that illness. Hoping one day they will find something to cure it.
Great wish BobbieSue Hope your wish comes true
HI Barb believe you right there the next generation may accept everyone no matter their lifestyles. Hopefully be around when it happens.
Thanks Donna! That's really nice of you. Sometimes a little reassurance goes a long way, especially when you hit a low spot.
That's why I joined CDH, and it's been all I expected and more.
Thanks again
You so welcome Connie Know ever since being a member here been nothing but great things. Have a good weekend.
Thank you Donna.
Fortunately she retires in 18 months and can then just concentrate on her health.
Amy. X
My wish for myself : Being born a Girl !
Life would have been so much more easier for me...
Although I am not a Transsexual , I love being an Androgynous Crossdresser.
So being born as a girl would have been better for me I think.
I'll second that wish.
Very well written.
You wrote the words down that reverberate through my mind often.
Thank you!
Part of me so wants my wish to be that I could go back in time and be born a girl. But I would go with the healing of my spouse's health.
Welcome Amy Wish her the best in health during the 18 months and beyond.
Donna, I'm wishing I understood this timeline. You posted the original post back in February and all the replies are October 29 and 30. Did no one answer until now or am I in some kind of time warp or maybe just too dumb to understand? Am I an empty headed bimbo?? No offense to bimbos but Help!
Know many did respond back then but somehow they all got deleted the comments. Noticed many of my older posts were like that too back during those months. And no not a bimbo. Happy the poster commented on it earlier to make it alive again.
Oh thank you everyone for commenting on this topic
Thanks. I guess its just this crazy site. I can calm down knowing I'm not that much of a bimbo... lol... maybe a bit... lol