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I was reading through Quora last night and came across this question. Women friends that found out giggled and we're intrigued, while wives who found out were repulsed!
Could it be that women that you are just friends with see other "girlfriends" that they can share their life with? While those who you are attached to can't stand the thought of their man being the least bit girly? Inquiring minds want to know!
many years ago I was wearing a bright colored pair of panties and they were peaking out the top of my jeans when I knelt down to pick something up. I know a guy friend spotted it, but just grinned and said nothing. I was embarrassed for several days after
I had just gotten a shower and was in the bedroom getting dressed , I had on a t shirt and had just put on a pair of warmers lace trimmed pink hipster panties when my then wife walked in the room . She had found my panties before and knew I crossdressed but Had never saw me wearing anything . She just smiled and walked out of the room . The smile wasn’t acceptance , it was a narcisstic smile because she knew she had something on me and could try and manipulate the situation . This turned out to be the beginning of the end. I still have those panties.
I think your right about women friends. When we meet and hug they always check for my bra.
I was underdressed shopping a few years ago and as I was walking through the store, a guy a passed in the aisle gave me a really strange smile, like he knew - but didn’t say anything.
I was caught fully dressed once but that is a different story...
CAnt be really sure about this onebut....
I keep most of Caty's gear in a storage unit about a half an hour south of here. I suspect the staff on one occasion when I was "in the house", but not in my unit, had a look inside.
Cut to a couple of months later and I'm down there underdressed, bra cami and knickers and only a sports shirt on top. As I walked down the corridor to my unit I heard a wolf whistle and there was no one else within sight.
So I think "smarty pants" younger staff member was responsible. I've backed off being "U'ded" down there for a while, but dont intend to stop.
If it happens again, I'll have a very short conversation with this clown about his future employment prospects with the storage company!!!
hi Victoria-rose. I was wearing a pair of my wifes panties and got caught purely by accident. it all came about by me not having any boxers to wear, some were in the wash and the rest mysteriously vanished (I still have not found them!). I needed a pair as I was going to work, so I thought, what the hell, I will just put on a pair of my wifes panties, she wouldn't know. everything was going fine until I undressed in front of her to go to bed, I completely forgot I had put the panties on! you could imagine her surprise! I had a bit of explaining to do that night. all this happened years before I admitted to my wife I cross dressed.
fiona xxx
Hi Victoria-Rose!
I love the name!!!! Beautiful!
"While those who you are attached to can’t stand the thought of their man being the least bit girly?"
This sentence describes my wife 100% She is very accepting of LGBT people, or people are "not the norm" for any reason, except when it comes to me. When we first met (and still to this day), I had many strong male traits in terms of behavior and even appearance. I can be a total cowboy, literally and have a vast collection of things male. But when she found out I have this (strong) femme side, she was turned off completely. It did not help that her first husband also had crossdressing tendencies. That really forced me deep into the closet when I found that out.
But that closet was full of gurly things and as the years have passed, in particular this past year I decided, I need to do this for myself.
One side effect however has been, my SO and I have not been intimate for months now. I know a big part or all of it is due to my keeping my body smooth. Especially my legs. This is a bit turn off for her. It makes things difficult, I don't know if she seeks or obtains pleasures elsewhere, but if I don't do this it will be the biggest regret I've had.
Sorry, more than you asked for!
Love and Hugs!
No problem Rebekka! Women just have a thing about a man having hairy legs. I guess it makes them feel secure.
Yes, I sometimes wear a bra under my drab shirts. We have good friends and she always hugs me. One day I forgot and when she hugged me she looked at me very strangely
she “caught” me again today. Lol
she just smiled at me
A few years ago, I was trying to load a large piece of equipment from Home Depot into my very small sports car. My wife was sitting in the passenger seat watching me. After I got the equipment in the car and began driving away, my wife asked me if I knew that the woman sitting in the car next to us in the parking lot had spotted the top of my panties while I was wrestling with the equipment. I replied "No", and asked her how she knew. My wife said that the woman was just watching me, and then all of a sudden, (as I bent over), just rolled her eyes heavenward in disgust. I just laughed, and said that I would have given her a good-by smile and wink if I had known that this had happened!
Getting ready for church one time I was wearing long black petti pants with the lace bottoms peeking out from under my under robe. Mother saw that and asked what I was wearing, I just shrugged it off and got dressed. I think she's figured it out by now. Hoping I out grow this. meh its like health issues you don't grow out of it.
I have not and it is very unlikely that it will happen since I don’t underdress.
But wanted to add to the idea that many women may find crossdressing to be amusing, as long as it is not her own partner or father or son, etc.
I think that it is somehow similar to the concept that in general men are attracted to women who wear sexy clothes and act in provocative way, but would never “allow” their wife or girlfriend or daughter to dress or act like that.
Most crossdressing men would be seen as non-threatening, and not ”spouse material”. Not really as “girlfriend-like” material. Very similar to the “best gay friend” material.
At least in my opinion.
Who is knowing what is in a womans mind???
Dame Veronica.
I was living at my moms and feel asleep on the couch. She was at work so I shaved my legs put on my panties and started watching TV. I guess I had fallen asleep and she came down to see if I was home. She pulled the blanket I had covering me and asked " Why are your legs shaved? I responded "its summer mom its too dam hot to be hairy." Her response was " So Im guessing the black panties you are wearing have nothing to do with your shaved legs?" She then went on to tell me to Get my big girl panties on and start doing some work around the house. After that she never mentioned it again. She did about a week later put 2 free coupons for Victoria secret panties on a stack of my mail.