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Have you ever felt tensed walking into a Lady store?

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Active Member     India
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When I walk into a utility store/woman shop and try to shop lingerie, earrings, or a makeup kit, I feel a bit tensed. Buying them online is easy, but it can be expensive and time taking. It is also a waste of logistics that is the environment unfriendly.

I know that beginners of crossdressing feel embarrassed, girls, what are your stories? Do you have any bag of tips for a new crossdresser?

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Active Member     Dubuque, Iowa, United States of America
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Focus on what you are looking for and smile you will feel better and other people will calm down around be more supportive if they feel you are happy about what you are doing even if you feel that way.

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Noble Member     GB
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Like most things Apparna I have found the more U do it the easier it gets.

I realised nothing bad happens, and find I just get treated the same as I would imagine a woman would be treated. If the subject comes up I resolved to just tell the truth.

Most stories I have read on this site have also been ones of, just relax and be honest, and you will be treated with respect. The shop wants a sale.

Most of the fears we have are barriers that are in our heads, and if we can overcome them, life is so much more fun.

Sorry can’t really speak for how you would be treated in your country, perhaps with different social, religious or cultural barriers to overcome.

Good luck



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It took me a long time. I use to find it hard to walk in to woman's stores or woman's department. We get strange looks from people and its made to make us uncomfortable. I take the idea that if woman can shop in the men's department then I can shop in the woman's. Yes I feel tensed every time I go to pay but most cashiers don't care what you buy they have their own issues to worry about. I think because we have hid who we are for so long that we fell uncomfortable for doing nothing wrong. At the end of the day they are clothes and under garments. Be free and buy what you want. You may even find a lady at the store who will understand and help. Keep building the courage when it happens you will see it was as easy as buying men's clothes


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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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I now know what I am looking for, so online is now easy. Getting there took a lot of purchases of stuff that did not fit or stuff I did not like.

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Noble Member     New Orleans, Louisiana, United States of America
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I don't care about them! I go in like I own the place, and make jokes, like yeah, it IS hard to find 11 in shoes!

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Honorable Member     South of Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America
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Like you own the place? I am a long ways from that courage.

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Reputable Member     Maryland, United States of America
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Ah yes, in terms of "stories" of the first, maybe THE first outfit i ever purchased was about 15 years ago.  it was a "sexy cheerleader" halloween costume.  i thought for sure, "it's a costume shop, i can do this, easy.  I CAN DO THIS!"  afterall, it was simply a unisex constume shop, not even a woman's section or store! easy....right?

By the time i walked in and headed over to the cheerleader costume hanging on the rack, my heart was beating a mile a minute.  i felt certain every eye was on me and they all!

heart racing, i went to checkout and three college kids, not one, but three checked me out.  i must have looked everywhere, but their faces LOL.  i could not get out of there fast enough.  surely my secret must be out now - i thought, i feared!

well, i ended up having a bit of fun as "sexy cheerleader" and loved how i looked as her.  from there, i was soon shopping at the mall victoria's secrets.  by that point, i had calmed quite a bit and made it seem like i was buying for a girlfriend.

presently, i don't shop often (lots of reasons).  but when i do, it's easy.  past week i was shopping for makeup at kohl's and didn't give it a second thought.  i'm not quite at "owning the place," but i am much much much more comfortable than when i was going for the sexy cheerleader. 🙂




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Estimable Member     North Yorkshire, United Kingdom
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<p style="text-align: left;">I had been buying a certain type of expensive pantyhose/tights from a large department store in the city for sometime. I lived the colour (mocha) which I liked to wear with my blue suit skirts. One day I was in there looking and couldn't find them and a young sales assistant asked if she could help. She told me that they were out of stock and brought over a card with various similar samples of panty hose which she asked me to look at. She told me to put my hand in each sample to see the colour properly. I was shaking so badly at this point that she noticed, laughed and mentioned it! I made some excuse about not knowing what was what and eventually choose one which she then fetched a couple of packets of the actual tights. I queued up with her and bought them with my heart beating like mad. It was scarey at the time but also so exciting to be talking to this woman about buying my tights 😁</p>

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I'm similar Samantha , I'll go in with confidence & I'll say the items are for me , it's never been an issue in fact it's become either a conversation starter or the assistant ( usually male) can't escape quick enough. Most of the assistants have taken in interest that I'm a crossdresser X Tiff

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Estimable Member     Kingston, Ontario, Canada
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The first time I went shopping I took in a list and when I was asked if I needed any help I just said I was picking up some presents for my wife.  I did that for the first few time and then after that, I just said I was looking,  don't even say who I am looking for.

I am sure the first time I went up to pay I was at least the shade of a firetruck and did not want to make any eye contact with the sales associate but no one said a darn word to me other than have a nice day.  Since then I have no issues heading in to buy clothes, lingerie, and makeup.


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Famed Member     Long Island, New York, United States of America
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I began buying my own pantyhose at 13. I was never nervous back then when doing that. I twas more like excitement. At 17 I wore pantyhose out openly and began shopping for more pantyhose dressed like that. It was a strange emotion. If someone noticed I was wearing pantyhose and buying pantyhose they would have no doubt I was buying them for myself. I was nervous and excited at the same time.

As I began feminizing my look, adding short girl's shorts and platform wedges to my attire,  I was often treated like a lady. I was complimented on having nice legs. When buying pantyhose, I was asked if the pantyhose I was buying was what I was wearing and how I liked them. A few times I was politely told I had a run.

The first time I got asked about my pantyhose, I totally panicked and ran off. The next time I was just as scared but didn't run off and got a date out of it.

After that I was always hoping to get noticed and have pantyhose conversations. It was weird. I was often quite nervous but very excited too. It was hard to tell at time if I was nervous or excited. Either way I enjoyed the thrill and rush.

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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I was exceedingly nervous when I first plucked up the courage to buy pantyhose/tights for the first few years.I used to buy a lot in department stores.One of my favourite places was the clothing department of my local Cooperative store.It was something of an Alladin's cave for a hosiery lover like me.They had all the best brands such as Pretty Polly and Aristoc.I was nervous enough making my choices but when I took my purchases to the counter my nerves were shot to pieces.The girls behind the counter were sullen and unfriendly.I was certain that they knew they were for me.As a cover up I once said'"It's okay,they are not for me" which probably made them even more suspicious.It did get better as the years progressed.Last couple of times I shopped in stofe for skirts or dresses the staff didn't turn a hair.I think in this day and age the Sales Assistants are glad to see customers come instore whatever the gender in this internet age.A lot of them take it for granted that we could be buying for a wife girlfriend.And even if they do suspect otherwise in these more enlightened times what the heck.And of course they are trained to be trans aware.

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Honorable Member     Mid Glamorgan, United Kingdom
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I did have a slightly unsettling experience a few years back.I went into Peacocks the budget UK clothes chain.Went there one Saturday afternoon to buy a few pairs of tights.Girl behind the counter couldn't be nicer.Chatted about the weather.No problem.Went there the following Monday and took several more pairs of tights and a blouse tonthe till..Same girl behind the checkout.This time she was not as friendly.I am thinking that she recognised me and suspected that the tights were for me.She made me so uncomfortabe I knocked down a stand in front of me at the checkout.She came over to my side to pick it up and her expression was not a pleasant one.

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Noble Member     GB
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Maybe she was just having a bad day Roberta and was being stroppy  with everybody. Are you sure you didn’t deliberately accidentally knock down the stand🤣



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