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i have. i met Jackie through craigslist. he met me at an arcade. he was in man mode. i was dressed. he said he was a cd and never went out in public dressed. we made plans for Sunday. i picked him up at a supermarket parking lot. he got in the car and had a bag with him. i said what's the bag for? he said my man clothes. i laughed. we headed off to north Conway New Hampshire to get pedicures done. he was scared sh*tless. we went in and got them done. then i took her to do some shopping. after that we went to Applebee's for supper. the waitress was nice to us. we were sitting in a restaurant with people all around us. after eating it was time to go home. she had so much fun she asked when are we going to do this again. it's fun to watch someone scared to death, then be unbelievably happy. we have been going out for years now. now she doesn't need me to go out anymore. she knows that there is nothing to be afraid of. we had a few girls weekend trips. North Conway, NH., Vermont and Provincetown Mass. if you ever get a chance to take a cd out for their first time. do it. it will be something neither one of you will forget.
I did so just a couple of weeks ago, in fact. We went to the mall and dinner. I hadn't even realized it was her first 'mixing with the muggles' as she phrased it until she told me when we met in the mall parking lot.
She started off a bit apprehensive, but I informed her she was likely in for disappointment if she was expecting people to gawk or make a big deal of us. Not to mention she's more aptly sized and I'm the Amazonian redhead lol
We had a fab time and she did a nice little write up of the day. 🙂
it is not always possible to find another CD, recently I went out to dinner as Randi with a married couple and I soon became relaxed and the memory of the evening still gives me a warm feeling.
Hello Rachel,
Simple answer
"Auntie" Caty
"Niece" Dani still calls me that to this day!
I wouldn't say I've taken anyone for their first time out as such. But I've certainly been honoured to be there along with other good friends from CDH, a couple of times when it's been a first actual or 'proper' time out in public en femme, for someone in the group. Good times! 🙂
What a lovely thing to do Rachel. I did meet up with a tentative C.D. who had been out but showed nerves so while we went around a town I had been to many times I had to remind myself to ensure she was happy to progress through shops as we went along. By the end she seemed more comfortable as we sat in a coffee shop full of people.
Yup, A few times with CD's and Trans folks. Like everyone said, after 30 minutes they are assimilated. lol, Marg
I have never taken anyone out myself but have been with a number of CD's who attended one of the events at our club's location and been dressed in front of others for the first time. It's so nice to watch them get more comfortable as the evening progresses.