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i love heels and i'm sure most of you do too. i love the sound they make when walking down the sidewalk or in the mall. the clicking sound is so nice, saying look over here. i can't help but look when i hear the sound of heels. the also help with my pool game, giving me that little extra reach. i often tell the guys that have a hard time reaching the ball "about time to get you some heels". women tell me they can't walk in heels. i say what do you mean? it's easy. i drive a standard shift car and truck with heels. i bet i can even run in heels. i have 1 pair of boots with no heels. everything else has heels. they make your legs look longer, good for balance and they plan just look good. i have a pair of snakeskin open toe sandals with heels that everyone loves. i get a lot of complements on them.
Totally agree Rachel ! I love my heels
I love how the heels complete the ultra feminine look . Wearing them gives you a whole new appreciation for what women endure on a daily basis
I love my heels too! Especially the stiletto heels. After wearing them a couple of times, it is easy to walk in them. I usually dress in the early mornings while my wife and daughter are still sleeping, and with hardwood floors, I have learned to quietly tip toe around in them pretty well. At one point in time I had a pair of stretch boots with a 4" stiletto heel. Super sexy and feminine, I loved those boots! Unfortunately, when I had to stash them away for a while, they ended up getting ruined, so I had to throw them away, but I still have my strappy sandals with a stiletto heal and a really cute pair of leather booties (not a stiletto heel, but really cute). I really love them both, I just wish I could wear them everyday. They do add that finishing touch to the feminine look and feel.
What do heels do more me?? make this old bird's back sore. Cant wear anymore than 2" and even that makes me sore after a couple of hours
Ah but 20 years ago, "all of the above and more"
"Nana Caty"
I do love my heels,.I love the Click clack sound that comes from them.My posture is better in heels and they make me feel more feminine besides which conversations start with real GGs about our shoes.When asked how I walk in them I reply"Practice,Practice,Practice.".I must qualify my statement by adding ,I am most comfortable in2.5 to 3.5 inch heels,with some time spent in 4 inch heels.To me,heels completes any outfit and gives it that certain something that just says class and upbringing like all the four ladies on Designing Women,here Michelle dates herself.
I love my heels. I have one pair of stilettos with 3" heels, 2 pair of block heels - 1- 4", 1- 3" and 2 pair of ankle boots each with 2" heels. I do want to get a pair of kitten heels so a shopping trip is in order. When I first wore heels in front of my wife she was amazed how well I walked in them. It had been years (actually decades) since I'd worn heels. I guess I'm just a natural when it comes to walking in them - shoulders back, chest out and butt forward along with shorter steps.
I do love heels, but my limit is 3” unless they have a platform! Just got some lovely 3” stiletto open-toe ankle boots from Amazon.
Joanna 💕
I love me heels, it just finding the size to fit me is the struggle, I have one pair a Ladies size 12 that are very tight and identical pair in a 13 that are a tad too losse, I reckon I need a 12.5. But I love it when I have my heels on, I feel super femine and confident, just feel so down when its time to switch back to Glenn from a day out as Clara.
The first thing to remember is that you must only buy shoes that fit and are comfortable for your feet. Without having socks the fit and feel has to be good enough. Or you’ll lose some skin off your feet and is far from pretty. Another thing is to break them in around the house for several hours before attempting to where them out for the night somewhere. Sometimes shoe trees or ice bags are needed to stretch a shoe in some ways. Just eliminate the abrasions or you’ll wound your feet that will take days to heal.
Don’t try to where heels so high that you can’t walk right in them. It screams, trying too hard.
I love heels, heeled sandals I'm particular. Hey it was the heels that got me into crossdressing. Heck, kinda like a "gateway" drug... And I am now hooked....
Have fun, Staci...
i play pool in heels and a dress. when the guys can't reach the ball i tell them we need to get you some heels. they improve your pool game.
Until a back injury resulting in nerve damage to my left leg, I wore heels constantly. Loved wearing them and the way they made my walk and posture more feminine. As many others have already said, the sound of my heels clacking on hard flooring was a big thing for me. I found that 3” heels were my favorites, high enough to give the look but low enough to wear everyday. I cried when my physical issues made wearing my pretty heels impossible.