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heels and what they do.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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i love heels and i'm sure most of you do too. i love the sound they make when walking down the sidewalk or in the mall. the clicking sound is so nice, saying look over here. i can't help but look when i hear the sound of heels. the also help with my pool game, giving me that little extra reach. i often tell the guys that have a hard time reaching the ball "about time to get you some heels". women tell me they can't walk in heels. i say what do you mean? it's easy. i drive a standard shift car and truck with heels. i bet i can even run in heels. i have 1 pair of boots with no heels. everything else has heels. they make your legs look longer, good for balance and they plan just look good. i have a pair of snakeskin open toe sandals with heels that everyone loves. i get a lot of complements on them. 

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Famed Member     Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 1765

@prettytoes I love wearing heels. They've helped me walk in a more feminine way and I can drive in them.

They also elongate my legs and are great for posture.

The downside is they make me very tall and even less likely to blend.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 263

@annaredhead i don't know. when in man mode if i see a tall amazon woman its a turn on. maybe i just want someone to look up too.

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Noble Member     Florida, United States of America
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@prettytoes Rachel, I do love my heels.  I totally agree that not only do they make your legs pretty, but they force your but back and your chest forward.  What’s better than that?  I do have a theory though that you are either born to wear heels or not.  My first pair were 4”, and I could walk easily in them, with no trouble.  Also, I’m old so they really do help with my balance.  

One more thing, flats are for wimps, get some heels!

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 263

@jennconn i agree. nothing sexier than walking in heel and hearing that sweet clicking sound. @

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Estimable Member     Oxford, Ohio, United States of America
Posts: 64

@prettytoes Heels are the best, if I’m building an outfit, the shoes are my first thought lol. It takes any outfit from comfy casual to a statement I think.

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Noble Member     Ohio, United States of America
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@prettytoes all I own are heels mostly insane ones knee highs 9in heels on platforms lol are my tallest understand your feelings I truly do love my heels 

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Noble Member     Oshawa, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 1486

@prettytoes I absolutely love heels. I have over 35 pairs now and I to can walk just fine in them. My wife once told me I walk better in my heels than most of the women at her office. Her and my sister in law can’t get over the fact that I can clean the whole house in a pair of heels without any problems at all. And yes the sound of them is very nice to hear while walking about. The way they make your legs ( calves) look so much better. I’m pretty good up to about 4 to 4 1/2 heel but yes have had a pair of over 5 that were harder to walk in them without looking silly.

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Reputable Member     Northeast GA , Georgia, United States of America
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I too love heels but they don't love me.  If I wear more than a couple inches my knees kill me. I have done the switch a couple of times when going to dinner wearing flats until I get there and then switching and switching back afterward. 

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 263

@mkat3874 you need a thick strap at the top of the shoe. thin straps make my feet hurt.

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Prominent Member     Honesdale, Pennsylvania, United States of America
Posts: 435

@prettytoes I loved wearing heels up until my foot surgery some years ago. After that I'm limited to 2" or less. 

I loved how my legs looked, how they changed my walk, the sound they made on different surfaces and how they made an outfit go from plain to classy in an instant. I miss my heels. I wish I could go back to wearing them again.

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 305

@prettytoes Very nice, Rachel.

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Active Member     Brashear, Texas, United States of America
Posts: 9

@prettytoes I have gone to my local drop zone to skydive several times en femme, usually wear 4” heeled thigh high boots. Have been told by people there, both male and female that I walk better in heels than most cis women do

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 263

@bobbib i want to skydive someday. i'm surprised they let you do that dressed. i did monkey ropes and ziplines, but i had to wear certain clothes to do that. i don't think they would let me wear a skirt or dress or even heels.

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 305

@prettytoes Good morning Rachael. I absolutely love heels!

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Honorable Member     California, United States of America
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Totally agree Rachel ! I love my heels

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Noble Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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I love how the heels complete the ultra feminine look .  Wearing them gives you a whole new appreciation for what women endure on a daily basis

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Estimable Member     San Ramon, California, United States of America
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I love my heels too! Especially the stiletto heels.  After wearing them a couple of times, it is easy to walk in them.  I usually dress in the early mornings while my wife and daughter are still sleeping, and with hardwood floors, I have learned to quietly tip toe around in them pretty well.  At one point in time I had a pair of stretch boots with a 4" stiletto heel.  Super sexy and feminine, I loved those boots!  Unfortunately, when I had to stash them away for a while, they ended up getting ruined, so I had to throw them away, but I still have my strappy sandals with a stiletto heal and a really cute pair of leather booties (not a stiletto heel, but really cute). I really love them both, I just wish I could wear them everyday.  They do add that finishing touch to the feminine look and feel.   Smile Face  

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Famed Member     Outer Eastern Suburbs Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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What do heels do more me?? make this old bird's back sore. Cant wear anymore than 2" and even that makes me sore after a couple of hours

Ah but 20 years ago, "all of the above and more"

"Nana Caty"

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Prominent Member     Mesa, Arizona, United States of America
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I do love my heels,.I love the Click clack sound that comes from them.My posture is better in heels and they make me feel more feminine besides which conversations  start with real GGs about our shoes.When asked how I walk in them I reply"Practice,Practice,Practice.".I must qualify  my statement by adding ,I am most comfortable in2.5 to 3.5 inch heels,with some time spent in 4 inch heels.To me,heels completes any outfit and gives it that certain something that just says class and upbringing like all the four ladies on  Designing Women,here Michelle dates herself.

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Famed Member     Delaware, United States of America
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I love my heels. I have one pair of stilettos with 3" heels, 2 pair of block heels - 1- 4", 1- 3" and 2 pair of ankle boots each with 2" heels. I do want to get a pair of kitten heels so a shopping trip is in order. When I first wore heels in front of my wife she was amazed how well I walked in them. It had been years (actually decades) since I'd worn heels. I guess I'm just a natural when it comes to walking in them - shoulders back, chest out and butt forward along with shorter steps.


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Reputable Member     Gwynedd, United Kingdom
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I do love heels, but my limit is 3” unless they  have a platform! Just got some lovely 3” stiletto open-toe ankle boots from Amazon.

Joanna 💕

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Estimable Member     Tasmania, Australia
Joined: 2 years ago

I love me heels, it just finding the size to fit me is the struggle, I have one pair a Ladies size 12 that are very tight and identical pair in a 13 that are a tad too losse, I reckon I need a 12.5.   But I love it when I have my heels on, I feel super femine and confident, just feel so down when its time to switch back to Glenn from a day out as Clara.

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
Posts: 263

@kelgels try a shoe stretcher to get the boots to fit better.

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Reputable Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
Posts: 258

@kelgels This is why I preferred to buy my shoes in person, when you can try them on in store, you have a better chance of finding the right size. Some of my shoes were a size and half different than others and they fit them my feet the same way. Of course there is always that pair of shoes that is too high and doesn’t fit exactly right, but is just too cute to pass up! They hurt my feet but I figured that was part of the cost of looking pretty! Wink

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Estimable Member     Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 119

@geniv_cd no one in Hobart stocks women's size 11 and up, they have to be custom ordered.  My cousin encountered this for her daughters leavers dinner trying to find dress shoes to go with the dress.  My cousin found a store who expertly measured her daughter. Discussed the style of shoe and heel that they were seeking and researched who had what and how much.  They settled on a pair imported from the USA that had to be paid in full at the time of ordering and were non refundable.  This was the only store that bothered other turned them away. Sadly that store got brought out by a warehouse style store chain and no longer have customer service. Just a check out.





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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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The first thing to remember is that you must only buy shoes that fit and are comfortable for your feet. Without having socks the fit and feel has to be good enough. Or you’ll lose some skin off your feet and is far from pretty. Another thing is to break them in around the house for several hours before attempting to where them out for the night somewhere. Sometimes shoe trees or ice bags are needed to stretch a shoe in some ways. Just eliminate the abrasions or you’ll wound your feet that will take days to heal. 

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Estimable Member     Tasmania, Australia
Posts: 119

@robertaf the smaller ones fit just a very snug fit.  I always wear stockings or pantihose with them. Where as yhe other pair a size up are a tad too loose.  Noth pairs are only 3"

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
Posts: 1054

@kelgels u tube has a bunch of stuff on insole or heal pads that can help a show fit better. Nylons will cause your foot to slip right out of a loos fitting shoe. Those heal pads really help.

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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Don’t try to where heels so high that you can’t walk right in them. It screams, trying too hard. 

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Prominent Member     SoCal, California, United States of America
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I love heels, heeled sandals I'm particular.  Hey it was the heels that got me into crossdressing.  Heck, kinda like a "gateway" drug...  And I am now hooked....  

Have fun, Staci...

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Honorable Member     alfred, Maine, United States of America
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i play pool in heels and a dress. when the guys can't reach the ball i tell them we need to get you some heels. they improve your pool game. Smile Face  

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Reputable Member     Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States of America
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Until a back injury resulting in nerve damage to my left leg, I wore heels constantly. Loved wearing them and the way they made my walk and posture more feminine. As many others have already said, the sound of my heels clacking on hard flooring was a big thing for me. I found that 3” heels were my favorites, high enough to give the look but low enough to wear everyday. I cried when my physical issues made wearing my pretty heels impossible. Very Sad  


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