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I have been contemplating getting therapy, as part of my journey, to help work better with my good lady wife (of 44 years)(forgiving lady). And for myself, my understanding.
Having had some personal therapy, I found it more useful than I had expected. I didn’t realise what was eating away inside of me. I do now. I shared, nay in truth I regurgitated, every major trauma in my life to her and she reeled as I had so many; at almost 70, I suppose this has to be expected.
But I stopped short of sharing my cross dressing. I felt she wasn’t really qualified to help, and I didn’t want the rest of my life-issues being overshadowed in any way. The process seemed fruitful, but not complete, as I had not shared something which was over layering my entire life, my marriage, my friendships, my family. Only my family know btw. I do not go out en femme unless it is well under cover and camouflaged. I prefer this.
Please, any help on therapy, did it help?
BTW, I am not looking to suppress CDism, just understand it better. Hence my being here at CDH.
Thanking you in advance.
Didn't know btw whether this was the best place for such a serious Q. I’m sure someone behind the scenes will direct me. 💚
@alexinaYep, I saw a psychologist more that 30 years ago and kept my "secret" from him. He told me that I had a specific type of personality that meant I could never be as happy as other people! Big help he was 🙄
I rest my case. Some of the best therapy regarding crossdressing is free of charge here on CDH😊
I have been in therapy for awhile now, not originally for my dressing but a very traumatic event, which evolved into opening up a can of worms in which my dressing did get brought into the mix.
Therapy has helped greatly in minimizing my guilt and shame, relying on others for my validation of dressing up, although, I think we all love to have our Cd validated by our SO.
Since all of this, I have increased my wardrobe significantly, fully dress and even go to therapy fully dressed. My therapist is my best supporter and encourages my dressing to the level of what I want. She even gives me a little push when I need it.
So, bottom line for me, with the right therapist, it will do you a lot of good!
I have gone through therapy specifically for crossdressing and have found it to be life changing for me. My therapist helped me get rid of the guilt and shame that plagued me for too many years. It has allowed me to accept myself and freely express my femininity. The best suggestion I can offer is to find a therapist who specializes in and is experienced in gender. This way you will get the best advice to address your own unique personal situation. Good luck with your journey and I really hope you find the clarity you need.
There are other threads on this in the forums. Look to the credentials of the therapist. Look fo on that is a trained sex therapist. They are better prepared to help you and any So.
Based on what I have read here on CDH, finding a therapist experienced with crossdressing and / or gender issues is the way to go.
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