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Her for a month

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Reputable Member     Ontario, Canada
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  1. So you're walking on the beach and you find a lamp in the sand. You pull it out and wipe it off and out pops Robin Williams (The Genie) and her offers you one month as your feminine side. 100% in female form. Your very own breast, no forms, all the curves and the hair of your dreams. You get the idea.

Magic Wand

How do you spend your month?

Where do you go?

What do you do?

Tell your ultimate dream story.

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Noble Member     New Hampshire, United States of America
Posts: 827

@tiffany8 Just touched this subject on a post from @latinagirlygirl I would wish to be A lead Broadway actress with a magnificent voice at the top of my game on a sexy musical like moulin Rouge or something similar or like Christine Aguilera in Burlesque.  I dont want to be dominated I want to be empowered.  Women have that power over me I want that power for a change. Thanks for the subject.  Cheers RC

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
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I'd go to San Diego and hang. Let me take care of the  restaurants.

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Trusted Member     Kent, United Kingdom
Posts: 45

@tiffany8 i

imagine you could choose to become a beautiful woman permanently. everyone you know would remember you as always being a woman. only you would know the truth. your wife remembers you as her long time lesbian partner, your children donor/ivf.

i would do it in a heartbeat. a bisexual woman with a womans body, mind, emotions, hormones. a full wardrobe of stylish clothes, shoes and all accessories. what a life it would be.



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Reputable Member     Ontario, Canada
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What an absolute pleasure it would be. ❤️ 

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Trusted Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 34


I like the thought experiment of given a choice of a) never having questioned your gender identity or b) becoming the woman you desire to be permanently.



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Prominent Member     Belvidere, Illinois, United States of America
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So I buy a bikini, very sexy and I get a Brazilian wax job.  Then I book a Caribbean cruise.  On board, I flirt with some cute guys.  I meet Mr tall dark and handsome.  He wines and dines me.  We hold hands on the moonlight and I feel theses urges, female urges.  One thing leads to another and I spend the night in his cabin.  The morning comes and we are feasting on smoked salmon, capers, and Champaign.  He asks me where I’ve been all this time and I say I was somebody else just a week ago.  He smiles and says I know, so was I.  

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Reputable Member     Ontario, Canada
Posts: 119


Wow 🥵 

That's one heck of a dream. I too dream of being a true woman and try to imagine what it would feel like to have a real orgasm .. or three.

Dreamy Smile Face Big Love Eyes  

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Illustrious Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 3998

@tiffany8 Yeah, I would try to spend the month on my back with a prurient interest in getting as many female orgasms as I could get, since I would never get another one. Hopefully, I would be exhausted after 30 days of them.

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Honorable Member     Tucson, Arizona, United States of America
Posts: 307


I love it Kerri.

I need to be with a man so badly.


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Prominent Member     Gloucester, Virginia, United States of America
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@kerrismith  I can’t help but think that any of us, even straight dressers, would love to be magical changed in to a woman, if even for a month. The ability to be with a man, enjoying the pleasures of being a true woman. To know the sexual enjoyment of being a woman, feelings which we have never felt. At the same time I wouldn’t mind being with another woman as well, to experience the joy of that type of relationship. But first and foremost I would want to please my man and let him please me.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Hi Tiffany.

It is an interesting challenge for imagination and storytelling abilities.

A month is a fabulous opportunity, but it may leave us with a broken dream, wanting much more. Let's take it anyway. 

I think I would dedicate the month to enjoying life from another perspective, from a different way than usual. A time for relaxation. I would buy a good bikini and all the lovely dresses that I have little, or nothing, been able to wear. I would spend several hours in pools, tanning or swimming. Other hours, in jacuzzis or saunas.

If this month includes Carnival, even better. I would go to Brazil to dance samba. Although, in reality, I would prefer to go to cultural activities, to the theater, to the cinema, to music concerts, to all kinds of shows. I would go to a nightclub three or four times. To enjoy myself dancing. I would visit restaurants and bars. I wouldn't neglect the exercises (as if I took care of them now hahaha). Maybe I would even have an affair to satisfy my curiosity.

After the month, I would check if the exercises have put me in good condition and I would try to escape from the genius so that she cannot reach me to break the spell. Ha ha ha.

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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I don't think i would do anything different. I would just explain to my family how this Genie had a sense of humor and changed me on a lark. I would then just do what I would normally do around them. As if nothing had changed. Simply explaining there was nothing else I could do about it. They would see this as well from the physical changes. 

This would be my dream come true. To have a trial run at being who I want to be around them and my family excepting it, since it wasn't my fault. This would give me a month trial to let them see me grow to like it so much. That would explain why I wanted to stay that way after the month was over.  

Fun to dream!

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(@Anonymous 94214)
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@robertaf   Hi, you know what I think I'd do exactly the same.  Just be me.

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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@elaines Wouldnt that be wonderful. A perfect excuse to softly introduce your Feminine self to the family.

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Noble Member     Madison, Wisconsin, United States of America
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@robertaf Me too Roberta.  I'm already out and I'd just keep doing what I already am doing.  But I would like some better natural hair, go up one cup size, fewer wrinkles and no glasses.  Marg

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Noble Member     Louisiana, United States of America
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@margprodue, don’t we all. Wait I better add those things to my list.

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Illustrious Member     Surrey, United Kingdom
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Remember wishes like that go disastrously wrong as you look at it from only one side, If it turned you into a woman at your true age you could be right in the middle of menopause...happy wishes.

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Duchess Annual
Noble Member     Panama, Panama, Panama
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Thanks, Angela. You are right. Like in the song Tres Deseos (Three Wishes) by Ednita Nazario. Genie sent her to the North Pole, then to a dessert and her final wish was to go back where all began. Awful!

But since I am over menopause age, so who said fear? Ha ha ha


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Trusted Member     West Midlands, United Kingdom
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I would walk around naked as much as possible and keep looking at myself in every mirror i pass.

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Honorable Member     So. California , California, United States of America
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First I would be around 5’3” in height, around 90 to 100 lbs, 34 B bra size, size 6 dress with a nice smaller bubble rear with just below my shoulders brown dark hair, last smaller nose, probably a much less voluptuous version of Salma Hayek.

Now that I have my perfect outlook, I would spend everyday just doing ordinary things, of course shopping and dining with my girl friends during the weekend. I am totally daydreaming now❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥲

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Estimable Member     Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America
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I have a question before I answer. Would this be something everyone I know notices? Would I suddenly just poof be a woman but everyone had known me as man up to that point, or would everyone also magically remember that I was always a woman?

If I was suddenly a woman but everyone had always known me as a man I would take that month as a vacation and go travel or visit a city where nobody knew me. Mostly so I wouldn't have to keep explaining what happened.

I everyone accepted that I had always been a woman then I'd go about my life normally but happy that I'd get to explore my feminine side without any explanations and do all the things I've wanted to try but been to afraid to. Get my nails done, go shopping for clothes and then actually wear the clothes in public, buy lingerie that's incredibly uncomfortable and impractical but still looks good on me.

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Trusted Member     Toronto, Ontario, Canada
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This s a question I was going to pose myself lol

Here we go. 

I am now a cute perky edgy waitress in an arty cafe and hair studio in Brooklyn. We cater primarily to the Queer/trans and CD community but include everyone. I have at least three earrings in each ear, my hair colour is usually platinum but could easily be baby pink or aqua on any day. A couple tattoos with my lesbian partners name located in clever and strange parts of my body. I love to hug people and everyone knows it. My best friend is trans as well and we hold hands when we walk down the street. Most likely I have a nose ring and a belly button piercing. I smell like a field of flowers even after a work shift and the thrift shop next door is amazing and they save all the sexy weird stuff for me. Corsets, ribbons and lace are big parts of my everyday wardrobe.

This will at least happen a little bit 


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