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Many of us on here whilst freely crossdressing do have to present in drab at times. Such is life.
But to keep the happy vibes many of us also have that little secret connecting our drab and femme feelings.
No mention of clothing here please lol.
For me it's ALWAYS having painted toe nails and of course my belly piercing (which I love) . They are always with me. X
What's it for you? (please feel free to tick up to 3)
Painted toe nails, and while I don't always wear ear rings, I have pierced ears.
I had to go for other.
For me, the only option is my girly nails.
I can’t wear nail polish often, so I concentrate on keeping them looking good
I answered painted nails and other. During non-sandal season I keep my toenails painted, unfortunately during sandal season I don't as it would lead to too many questions. I always keep my nails manicured, whether professionally or by myself. During the summer months it isn't worth using clear polish due to yardwork and other things that could damage polish. I am hoping to get my ears pierced soon (recently had a conversation with my wife and she sounds receptive to me getting them done).
On the rare occasion in drab all vestiges of female are gone which is fine by me as I know who I am. I'm an 'all or nothing' girl'.
Like most my toes are normally painted, clear coat on my fingernails , light mascara and eyeshadow and a light splash of perfume at times.
Sorry, but the obvious answer is clothing. The only thing that is always femme are my pants.
I do often have a clear or very transparent, very light shade of pink polish, but not all the time.
These are all weak associations. I don't do them so I can feel femme while in male mode.
I had my ears pierced about a year ago.
I have had long hair for a long time. It's thinning and getting shorter due to chemo.
After about a 2 1/2 year absence, I'm back to using a woman's shave gel on my face. I like the smell. The absence is because I was using up a huge supply from my brother who passed away in 2019. And I shared a lot of the shave gel with my son who lives at home, so you can see how much my brother had. There were sizes and varieties that they haven't made for years. This doesn't count about 20 cans of shaving cream I gave away a few years ago.
I wear clear polish on my toes, at the request of my bride. I use a Revlon nail board to keep my finger nails trim and shiny, without polish on them.
I try to wear as feminine mans styles as I can find. I have also carried a handbag while in male mode.
I don't know if this neatly fits in the given categories, but I always have floral scented hand lotion with me, which I use multiple times daily.
Kay I've always had pedicures for the last 30 some years but just recently began to have my toe nails polished and I'm in love with it. I've always kept my finger nails clean and shaped and have been asked many times how can I work in construction and have such clean nails. And then there's my hair, it's been long since the 70's and always styled, not to much hairspray but enough to keep the look.
Off to get a pedicure and a new color for my nails.
Some great answers and thank you for them.
One thing that has surprised me is the lead, painted nails. I really thought they may be too obvious.
The other is the deliberate ommission by me of smooth skin, shaved legs etc. I really thought that'd pop up under other.
I also think it's quite sad that some by choice remove or discard all femme features when drab.almost denail.
No criticisms intended there but once again it's good to see everyone is different xx
Being a Crossdresser that don't get much chance to spend time dressed I only have my thoughts with me. Does this count?
I do underdress whenever I can and occasionally wear lipstick in drab lol
For me my toenails are always painted a pretty color, fingernails filed and clear polish, legs and body always smooth, I wear mascara daily, 4 ear piercings, light perfume, 24/7 panties. Some days all and some days most.