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does anyone use hidden clues to maybe sedges you're a crossdresser?
my friend called me up today and asked if i made any money today? i said enough to get my nails done. he ask what am i doing today? i said waiting for bikini weather. he has no idea i cross dress. he thinks i'm just horsing around. do you give any clues about your cross dressing?
Sometimes if I'm the only guy in a group of women (a work group numerous years ago or a group of my female classmates), I tell them I'm just one of the girls. They have no idea!
The top of my panties (or whale tail) showing when I bend over . Or the outline of my bralette through a tee shirt.
Heck no 🤢🤮 I don’t even think of this lol way to much anxiety 😦 myself best to keep things in the dark closet lol
I don't know about hidden clues. I do have my toenails painted but that isn't exactly hidden and it isn't a sure sign of being a crossdresser. I do make jokes about wearing dresses or heels every so often. Though, I do that about a lot of things so for the people that know me, it is just another absurd joke.
@prettytoes Yes, but I'm subtle about it.
My toes are glittery red 24/7/365 regardless of footwear or appearance. And roughly half of the time my fingernails match.
I also paint my toenails, but usually wear girly skin-tight jeans when I go out (with appropriately flat tuck) with tops, blouses, sweaters of the non-masculine persuasion. Always worn on top of lingerie and pantyhose of course. Occasionally I will wear a little subtle makeup and even more occasionally my finger nails will be painted too.
My legs are always shaved and i wear shorts most of the time.
If I'm off work, I often wear nail polish.
I use feminine shower gel and deodorant the whole time.
Rachel -
Thank you for asking this, the replies are interesting.
I wear earrings 24/7 (got them pierced for my birthday a couple years ago), sometimes studs or small hoops, other times dangling ones that aren't too femme. My toes are painted in a color depending on the time of year, rihgt now they are pink with white hearts for Valentines Day. My fingers are a pink tinged clear, Both are gel. I also underdress in panties on occasion. more so now than in the past.
I've got so many I'm probably missing a few. Long hair. Ears pierced at 65. Wearing women's androgynous (or almost androgynous) tops, jeans, socks, shoes, occasionally boots or booties. Wearing women's cardigans or jeans jackets (they button on the women's side). Waxed arms and legs. Wearing panties and thongs and changing in the gym locker room at work. Sometimes wearing (winter opaque) tights as socks. A couple of times when needing a CT scan I wore women's leggings (no metal so I don't have to change) with my essential personal belongings in a fanny pack. Longer than typical male fingernail length. Keeping eyebrows trimmed.
I'm straining to come up with more, but this should be enough to not just hint but hit people over the head with a hammer. 😀
Hi Rachel, I don't intentionally give out any clues, but I have to say from my experience, we all give out clues unintentionally that are often picked up by others. These hints are picked up by others, most will not guess what they mean, but will know there is something about you that somehow does not quite ring true. It may be the subtlest of hints but they are there. We all do it, so even in full male mode the clues are there.......
Seems that you all want to be outed. That's OK. I do, too, but I can't. My ears are pierced-- 4 holes-- and they're very noticeable, especially as I've gotten older & creases have formed where the holes are, but hardly anyone as ever asked me about them. I used to wear studs in them, 24/7, but don't anymore. Don't know why. I often wear women's socks, but except for "HANES" in pink on the bottom, you wouldn't know. Other than that, when I'm him, I'm completely male, but when I'm me, I'm girly to the max!
I didn't do anything like painted nails or some items of female outwear, I did shave arms and legs though. I had many other hidden clues, the problem was that they remained hidden and were part of my psyche. I liked chatting with girls, complimented what they were wearing, was empathetic. Now that could be seen as being 'on the pull' but reactions were that I was very understanding and they felt comfortable telling me things they wouldn't tell other men! Even going for broke to ee what would happen, dressed up to a fancy dress party in a female version of the theme did anything to raise suspicion, even though I had done it all myself and wasn't recognised until I stood in front of the hostess and introduced myself. Even after no one suspected so it had to be done meeting up with the hostess of the party, a colleague, for a coffee dressed in my usual daily female attire and re introduced myself, and she still didn't quite recognise me standing next to her until I spoke. Even as we sat and chatted over coffee she still would never had guessed. hey ho such is life.