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Hi Girls. I have been thinking!! and i'm going to leave you all on tenderhooks!! Something different is going to happen to Fiona can you guess what it will be? its good news!! nothing bad!! i'll keep you guessing and all shall be revealed next week all being well 🙂
Love and kisses, Fiona xxx
Lol Tiff, i wish!! just imagine what you could buy!! i'd need a bigger house to put all my clothes!! ermmm no!! its nothing like that!!
Fee xxx
Hi Fiona,
Are you one of the celebrities on Strictly Come Dancing?
Jessica x.
Lol Jessica, i think i have as much chance of that as winning Tiff's lotto!! I have two left feet, hopeless at dancing, so nope! its certainly not that!! 🙂
Fiona xxx
I love good news, Fiona! I won’t even try to guess what that news will be, but I will await it with bated breath! At CDH, good news for one is good news for all. I can be patient until next week.
I'll be counting the days 😊😊
Fiona like all the other girls I am very curious. It does sound very nice.If that's the case I am happy for you.Look forward to finding out what it is. Xx Roberta
Whatever it is, you deserve the happiness it will bring you! Looking forward to you sharing when the time is right.
Anticipation! Can't wait to hear and glad it is good news!
Hi Fiona !
I'm guessing tenderhooks is British for teased. Perhaps cliffhanger ? Tune in next time for the big reveal !
Well if we can't know that... Tell us how your wife is doing. I hope she's continued to improve.
Lol its nothing groundbreaking but its a break from the norm for me. I'll say no more..... 🙂
Fiona xxx
Hmm, are you going to venture out into the fresh air?
I do hope your wife is doing well, and you are keeping yourself healthy too!
*hugs* J.
Hmmm, well not quite Jasmine but its certainly on the cards!!
Love, Fee xxx